Its a classic trick bag... She was arrested on manslaughter charges but indicted(which doesn't mean shyt) on murder charges. You over charge and convict on a lesser charge.How are they going to prove intent with this murder charge? They should have went for manslaughter.
Stations like WFAA are so overtly racist, editing 911 tapes, etc... Guyer was a resident in Dallas county, so was botem-jean. There is no reason to move this trial into another county other than to get fully on code white supremacists on the jury pool.. If that happens she will walk...
Like I said from the beginning, she will NOT get convicted on a murder charge because even with witnesses, her lawyers will make it too vague. The old DA faith johnson was so scared to piss off the union and she kept hedging her bets which is why she lost reelection because the union didn't back her fully. New DA creuzot have came out strongly against guyer saying the law is the law and she was wrong. If that racist judge doesn't move the trial she will get convicted..