Brehs ultimately this show is

. I watched up until the first episode of season 3. I really tried to enjoy this show and continued to watch even tho I wanted to stop many times. I like when a show can take outlandish and unorthodox subject matter and make it somewhat believable in this case the axis winning ww2 and running the USA.
This show had so much potential to tell a story about what life would be like in the states had the axis won and there's so much you can do with that for example what would white supremacy look like compared to what we have now? The status and plight of black ppl living in the axis world, revolts and riots, the relationship with other countries world wide etc. The show touched on some of these things but being that the show is called the man in the high castle it focuses on a convoluted story line about war films being shared around the country? and to this day idk if the films are real or it's some type of alternate dimension or something out of a Christopher nolan screenplay but ultimately it misses the mark badly.
I know I'm juelzing but damn this show had potential. I enjoyed the storyline about the nazis almost wiping out the globe but the Highcastle storyline put me off once and for all. I also hate when a character dies and then comes back. It's like what the fukk

...The 2 main Japanese actors were great, John Smith stood out and I liked the juliana chick.
Dont bother with this show.