Trolls don't have a side to tell. Their M.O. is to disrupt. By engaging them you are bringing the convo to a halt.let the trolls have a chance to tell their side and then we can all reach our own independent conclusions and move forward.
@Napoleon for example is the kind of guy who can NOT let someone else have the last word. Even if he is dead wrong, he will argue until he is blue in the face until someone gives up. So these days I say my piece and K.I.M.
For actual convos its key to separate people who want to actually engage + exchange ideas from people who just want to make a stink/talk at people/troll etc. Don't get me wrong, I love the fockery But there's a time and place for it and a lot of these trolls don't know when to turn it off. U cant give those dudes a platform in serious threads.
Most serious threads here tend to devolve into projections of blame and regurgitations of prejudices anyway.............................. high key if u are in TLR for serious discussion