Breh I know you smarter than that and that was the dumbest shyt you said in a while
1) To say unless somebody adopt he can't be pro life is like saying you can't be anti slavery unless you been enslaved or you can't be a sport fan unless you played that sport professionally! It is ludacris idea!
2) Just because someone was dumb and or irresponsible enough to procreated doesn't give them the right to deny the chance of life to that unborn child (exceptions being rape or health issues) It's funny how the same pro choice nikkas be anti death penalty Irony at it's best
3) The less dependent someone is on the government for subsidence the more independent they are and more choices they ar provided.
4) the bloated government system we have is the reason no laws can get pass in congress due to that monstrosity of bureaucracy called congress
5) The liberals or the democratic party is not automatically entitle to my vote because I am black! You can shame other nikkas but you want shame me breh! I don't agree with many tenants of liberal policy and ideals hence I don't vote for them!