Am I Playing With Fire?


Jul 1, 2012
i don't know that she cheated on her original dude, because cats told me she was faithful to them. also, i feel like me pulling back and not pursuing her is why she got with the recent dude. i had the opportunity, but i didn't leap on it.

i know i sound like i'm :cape:


You aint special breh since u didnt act on it look how she got with the other dude. Dont get caught in a web, keep it simple.


Jun 12, 2013
at my job, there's this girl that i've liked for a long time. she was dating someone when i started working there, but they broke up. she and i would talk during smoke breaks, and we'd always catch one another with the occasional sly glance at the job. there were even times that she'd come into the bar down the street, sit next to me and chat it up.

but i never pushed up on her, because i just don't care about being with someone at the moment until i finish this grad program and push my money to the next level. anyway, she started fukking with one of our co-workers. once that happened, we kind of pulled back from one another. running into each other was awkward, though we still would say "hi." but you could tell things had cooled down after she linked up with the other dude.

despite that, the tension still existed, but it was an awkward "we probably shouldn't talk to each other" tension. so, i was cool with that. anyway, to make a long story short, i walked into the bar down the street a few days ago. and she was there, but i didn't say anything and sat on the other side. i ordered a drink and chopped it up with one of the regulars. we looked at each other, and she smiled and started talking. eventually, we just talked about how things were.

but then her man came in, and i went silent. my mind is like :snoop: i guess he was working while she was there. he left, she stayed, and we began talking again. then, she left, turning to me before leaves and smiling with a wave. now, i'm thinking she's gone for good. 20 minutes later, she comes back and sits next to me. at that point, i'm like :obama:

we start talking more, and we're laughing, just enjoying the vibe. an hour later, her man comes back in. he's acting cool about it, but i feel like he's coming in to check on her and make sure she's not out of line. he told her to get him some coffee. he leaves, goes back to work, and she gets up and says she has to go grab a cup for him. :laugh:

she asks me to watch her stuff, and i'm like, "sure." eventually, she comes back, and we return to the conversation. another hour passes, and her man comes back, ready to go. there's no confrontation, and i don't even try to say bye to her.

do you think i'm on his radar? should i just push up? i like her. she's definitely not jumpoff material. more than that. but i don't want to step on toes. i just feel as if she feels the same way, but how do i confirm that shyt?

Everything you just stated proves she's 'jumpoff material.'
May 1, 2012
so, i discussed it with a co-worker today. he told me her behavior suggests she's "shopping" but that i'm definitely not the only guy she's looking at. he said i should continue to do what i was doing earlier. stay distant, don't initiate contact. continue to let her approach me and just ride it out until she either breaks up with dude or stops playing games.