Alt right guys like this represent less than .0001 % of white people. Yet you that that fringe group represent your entire outlook on life...
Maybe time to reevaluate how much control you let fringe idiot groups like this control of your life.
You can't be that naive, you’re talking like there aren't offsets of alt-right all over America. Alt-right put a face to an iceberg the size of 10 states.
You really think that this is all the white nationalist marching in the streets. You really think that these guys are not organized and committed to their ideology. There is money and powerful media behind their movement and its growing. Walking in the street uncovered is a bold statement that only is done if resources and money are there to protect there interest and ideology. Plus they have the ear of one the most powerful committee in the world, the executive branch of America.
You have a picture of Madoff and your actually trying to tell people that this is all there is to see. That this is the surface and the bottom. That all we see is what’s really there.
The irony!