I assume a lot of people are going to neg you for saying this...No sympathy for this idiot.
He had no business getting in the middle of cactain america: Civil War.
Let these Neandercacs rip each other apart.
Why you getting involvled?
I assume a lot of people are going to neg you for saying this...No sympathy for this idiot.
He had no business getting in the middle of cactain america: Civil War.
Let these Neandercacs rip each other apart.
Why you getting involvled?
Do we have any former or active duty Military brothas/sistas in here to give us any tips on how to combat this shyt? Like for real
can you quote anyone suggesting that we be afraid?
It would seem that Marcus was making commentary on the silly bravado performance on display here when it doesn't match up to what happens in the real world.
Shut your bytch ass up.
Black people back then didn't fight with whites because they had silly bravado.
They fought with whites because it was their only option after being burned, hung, raped, shot, killed, attacked, drowned and dismembered with impunity.
You would never survive back then because you soft.
And you a bytch for trying to disrespect your ancestors.
And yes....if white people pull that bullshyt again....regardless of how much they outnumber us....black people will defend ourselves and our families again.
And keep talking your dumb shyt like you're somehow excluded from a race warlike white supremacists wouldn't put a hollow tip in your forehead and throw you naked in a ditch somewhere.
I didn't see that, but I know motherfukkers have been throwing around MLK quotes like they always do. Acting like a big part of MLK wasn't the fact that he continually SHAMED White supremacists and white folks that sat on the sidelines acting like shyt wasn't their problem.
The Micky Mouse-ification of MLK is sickening.
This is fukked up![]()
http://www.crmvet.org/docs/60s_crm_public-opinion.pdfCacs HATED MLK when he was alive. They act like they loved the man treated him with dignity and respect. They harassed, threatened, imprisoned, slandered, assaulted, maimed, and eventually killed him wearing a suit speaking out for the disenfranchised. The narrative that he only preached loving your enemies was bullshyt. Look up his last speeches to get the true picture of his mindset. He evolved into more than the "i have a dream speech".
more of the silly internet posturing.
Keep being a c00n. Keep shytting on your ancestors. Keep thinking you're ABOVE IT ALL
If you have black skin, and this shyt ever pops off frfr, we'll see whether or not white supremacists will give you that pass you think you got![]()
is that a bruh on the left in the tac gear or a cac?![]()
This is fukked up![]()
should neg you for this stupid-ass response@Malta ? Wooooord