This whole paleoconservative militia movement is all about trying to recreate antebellum southern America where the ******s were slaves, before the Jew-run mainstream media and banking system, and when cacs were free to run around shooting people.
That's why these dudes are supposedly so anti-government and they bytch all day about Ruby Ridge and Waco (both of which the people who were killed were breaking the law), but you will never hear a peep from them about Fred Hampton, Assata Shakur, or the countless incidents of police brutality and targeted murders and terrorism inflictedon blacks by the government. fukk em.
We dont even have to reach back 40-50 years to examples entangled in the black power movement, to reveal how easily conservative america dispatches unambiguous positions of white supremacy. There are impossible to avoid examples in the last couple of years:
Statistical data exposed that Stop and Frisk resulted in blatant constitutional violations of NY citizens as ruled by the district court. Problem for conservatives was that these citizens whom were violated werent white. Not only did conservatives show a disinterest in American constitutional rights --- they argued that the constitution was IRRELEVANT to the policy, and that some murky notion of "safety" should supersede all.
Early in the trayvon saga, sharp commentators fenced in the events as a violation of Trayvon's constitutional rights: Travyon was a free citizen, gunned down, with government agency deciding unilaterally that the killing was not fit for trial, rather than opening justice to its citizens and a jury of its peers. Again, conservatives uniformly argued on behalf of government over "liberty".
I dont even have to delve into the abstract conceptualizations conservatives dispatch to enshrine and enforce white supremacy, which is woven into the fabric of the ideology and the country at large. Cant a week go by without conservatives making some sort of causal link to welfare and plantations, and this underpinning that "black culture" is the root cause for negative inner city outcomes, which of course exist independent of 400 years of abusive legislation, policy, and decontextualization from the social contract of which blacks have been privileged to experience. Im still waiting for a spike in the unemployment rate to be met with arguments that white culture has a dodgy work ethic, or the indexed county in kentucky with the largest users of snap per capita (hint it aint an inner city black area) is likened to Euro surfs under a self-governed feudalistic mindset.
Who is going to have the balls to firmly argue that a prominent and powerful wing of our socio-political life subscribes that darker melanin = violent/lazy/unintelligent/useless ....not isolated incidents, but an actual belief system.