@idi_Amin is a fake.
Was in the thread about that Nigerian boy getting killed and straight up pretended to be Nigerian and just talked shyt on the country.
Like these white trolls are a new breed of
I actually am Nigerian (dad is from Lagos) and I can tell the dude has no idea of anything Nigerian.
And the dude's name is based on the president of Uganda. HE probably doesn't even know where Uganda is on the African continent or it's history. Just picked a random black avatar to represent.
Was in the thread about that Nigerian boy getting killed and straight up pretended to be Nigerian and just talked shyt on the country.
Like these white trolls are a new breed of
I actually am Nigerian (dad is from Lagos) and I can tell the dude has no idea of anything Nigerian.
And the dude's name is based on the president of Uganda. HE probably doesn't even know where Uganda is on the African continent or it's history. Just picked a random black avatar to represent.