Rap Guerilla
well this episode was at least decent.
at jadis all of a sudden learning how to talk normal again.

When is Negan going to find out about the garbage people?
It should’ve been during that conversation tbh, I don’t know what the writers were thinking.
cgi was decent for onceBy far the best zombie execution I've seen
It should’ve been during that conversation tbh, I don’t know what the writers were thinking.
That's exactly how I thought it would go. I just don't want them to drag it out over several episodes.I thought it would be when they were talking too. Like Negan kept saying “let me save you” and Rick would reply: “Like u saved Jadis’ people?” Negan: “what r u talking about Rick” Rick: “I seen it, u sent ur men here to murder all those people.. is that how u save them?”
then the camera zooms in on Negans face for a minute watching him process what Rick just told them, then cuts to final scene showing the other guy (don’t even remember his name) looking anxious.
it's very obvious that negan is gonna kill simon by the end of this season.
And alpha was born
It makes too much sense