Ethnic Vagina Finder
The Great Paper Chaser
At the end of the day, BOTH parties are controlled by white people. Rich white people. It doesn't matter who wins or loses because they all win. That's how the political system was set up. By white people and for white people. Biden welcoming Trump this week is easy to do because both are cut from the same cloth. A white man is running the country. That's all that matters to MOST white people in this country.
So to see the Roland Martins and Angela Rye's jumping out the window look like fools is
because they believed shyt white liberals have been feeding them for decades.
No FBA should be affiliated with the Democrat or Republican Party. We should have our own party or join the green party. Our votes would probably tip the balance occasionally as independents. This white liberal pandering to black people is nauseating. By default the black voting block in this country is attached to
shyt. Both parties cosigned slavery. I don't give a shyt if Republicans abolished it because for almost 200 years, BOTH parties cosign separate but equal and Jim Crow. It just seems like once black people in this country embraced the Civil Rights victory, we got lazy. We allowed cac liberals to run shyt and decided what's best for us. And black liberals got comfortable feeling like they made it.
So to see the Roland Martins and Angela Rye's jumping out the window look like fools is

No FBA should be affiliated with the Democrat or Republican Party. We should have our own party or join the green party. Our votes would probably tip the balance occasionally as independents. This white liberal pandering to black people is nauseating. By default the black voting block in this country is attached to