Side note:
The opening of this ep, that flash back, was the last scene they filmed for the entire series. They had to let a few months pass so their hair would grow in.
It only seems fitting that the last scene filmed is Jesse and Walt.
Side note:
The opening of this ep, that flash back, was the last scene they filmed for the entire series. They had to let a few months pass so their hair would grow in.
after rewatching the episode, the opening is perfect. how walt practices lying to skyler, talk about the baby, the knife, the five bucks skyler is trying to make on ebay, the pants, jesse being a dumbass in the background, etc.
I haven't read though the previous pages of the thread, but has anybody else bugged out over how some people are reacting to the scene where Skyler pulls the knife on Walt?
I really loved how they keep throwing the game of chess references in the past couple of episodes and how smart Walt is in the moves he making.
- Jesse basically warned Hank that Walt is playing chess and he's the smartest mufukka he knows. You will lose. You make a move and he's already two steps ahead of you (king making moves)
- Hank's last words is mentioning how Walt is the smartest mufukka he ever knew (acknowledging Walt is the king piece in losing)
- Uncle Jack stating how smart he is with the direct coordinates of his location (King helping pawns/knights make moves to assist wit threat to the throne)
- Walt and the now infamous phone call wit Skylar (king helping the queen to safety off the board)
you start to appreciate the little things brehs
It only seems fitting that the last scene filmed is Jesse and Walt.
I'd also like to point out, the chess board in the firestation, the White King's Knight was sent deep into enemy territory, and is the next piece to fall.
Knight = Jesse, obviously.
Did the script really say: "HOLLY:[cries] Mama! Mama!"? Because that baby delivered.
Walley-Beckett: We got very, very lucky, didn’t we Rian? We got lucky because that was a shaky moment for the baby. It’s a stressful situation for little kids. It was not scripted. She was looking at her mom off-stage and started saying that at the exact moment where it is scripted that Walt has a pang that this is morally reprehensible to do this to his daughter, to deprive her of a normal life. And this little baby just started looking at mom and we just rolled.
Johnson: The baby’s mom was like three feet away, right next to the camera. The baby was not actually screaming for her mother. As scripted it was just going to be this beautiful powerful moment where Walt looks at her. He brings her up to eye level and looks into her eyes and has that realization. I remember we were gathered around the monitor and he raises her and up and she started saying "mama," and we all just looked at each other.
Walley-Beckett: Rian just let it roll, and Bryan went with it.
Johnson: That’s the other thing. In that situation, Bryan is really the one doing the directing because the way that he shapes the performance between himself and the baby is really about the way he handles her and plays off of her. In terms of emotional beats of that scene it’s really Bryan who is doing the directing there. He did a fantastic job.
I also noticed that the white King chess piece is in the same diagonal lane as the black king chess piece. Doesn't mean much probably but it had me wondering for a second.