for the NEXT episode, I'm predicting a scene like this:
Saul's Guy: Tell you what, Mr. White, from now on your name is Walter Thompson, at Nashua, New Hampshire. Let's just practice a bit, hmmmm? So when I say, "Hello Mr. Thompson", you say "hi".
Walt: Check!
Saul's Guy: Hello, Mr. Thompson.
[Walt stares blankly]
Saul's Guy: [Pause] ...Now, remember, your name is Walt Thompson.
Walt: I gotcha!
Saul's Guy: Hello, Mr. Thompson.
[again Walt stares blankly]
[Saul's Guy stares at Walt]
[hours pass by]
Saul's Guy: [frustrated] Argh... Now when I say "Hello Mr. Thompson" and press down on your foot, you smile and nod.
Walt: No problem.
[stepping hard on Walt's foot]
Saul's Guy: Hello, Mr. Thompson.
[Walt stares blankly again for a few seconds]
Walt: [whispering to the Lawson, the gun dealer] I think he's talking to you.