I agree with the leverage Walt has, I just don't see the Walter White they've portrayed up to this point behaving how he did at the end of the episode. Walt becomes aggressive and defiant once he's pushed to it and his back is against the wall. I didn't expect denials or lying from Walt because I never expected him to instigate that confrontation in the first place. When he found the tracker I was wondering how is he going to tackle this? Leave the tracker there and make sure whoever is watching him has nothing to see, or get rid of the tracker and indirectly let whoever is watching him know that he knows he's being watched.
Yeah, but that's what Gus did. Kept the tracker on....actually insisted Walt put the tracker on:
Then manipulated the situation to make it look like he only drove to home and work.
And Walt obviously isn't Gus. So I'm looking at it like, he dropped the ball on handling this situation to further underscore that he'll never be Gus. Walt went there to feel Hank out, which is smart....then he can't just leave, he has to pull the fukking tracker out and ask about it. Because he can't let shyt slide.
Imagine if Gus ran up on Hank in the parking lot of Los Pollos Hermanos.
