Do you take a pill to be that obtuse?
This everything to do with taxing the 1% to save the environment they can't seem to keep their hands off to exploit for profit. You think Trump and Zinke came up with idea of trying to run around the clean-water act and shrinking national protected lands so states could sell contracts on their own or was it lawyers for big oil and other who pay their campaigns?
Environmental damage to ground water or ocean water like in the Gulf isn't just a municipality issue. There is one party hellbent on lax regulations and weakening the EPA because corporate money tells them to.
LOL. First I said the 1% and Congress since influence peddling needs people to enact it.
I can destroy your whole lame distraction with two words: KOCH BROS.
I mean we can get into how Wall Street and Congress have a problem with insider trading but we'll stick to the big guns.
You remember that KEYSTONE XL pipeline that was pushed through despite protest from Native Americans(who got blasted with water cannons) that they were going against laws and treaties and was a danger to the environment(which did have a leak a few months after despite claiming how safe it was)? What brotherly duo was putting forth pro-pipeline statistics cause they owned a bunch of refineries in Canada? They bankroll the Tea Party, Cato, and Heritage who in turn are putting for the talking points Faux News uses to influence Trump voters into alternative facts against their interest. So yeah your Regular Joe is spouting DRILL,BABY, DRILL on talking points feed to them.
Koch Brothers Positioned To Be Big Winners If Keystone XL Pipeline Is Approved | Reuters
So even after all these, people see Trump passing tax cuts used for corporate buybacks but we don't have enough money to fix our infrastructure/bridges or get Flint new pipes? So yeah, people are going to want to get the money to fix these things and it coming from the ones peddling their influence.
You go ahead and play this game like the 1% is just some lowly bunch of Americans just struggling to make it in "real estate". There are a lot of hard working people all over in the 1% and the 99% but like with everything else in life some people benefit from bad actions of others in the swamp. And the swamp of the 1% has a lot of bad actors.