Sir Charles Barkley
The Chuckster
Charity is charity. Wow, you really set me straight.
And Progressives are calling for things on a scale larger than charities can offer, it would take the government. Universal healthcare, free college, etc. these are billions of dollars ideas.
First you were on its too expensive, now you are on why don't people just due it privately. I thought it was too expensive for the government, now you want individuals to pay fir it? Your arguments don't make sense. Why not just say you are selfish and don't give a shyt about other people? That would add up to the ideas you're forwarding lol.
"I'm not gonna donate any money to this guy on the street, what's he gonna do with 20 dollars?"
^ that's what you sound like now
why do you need to see other people take action first? if the progs are that concerned with the poor why not have bernie start a massive charity campaign and fund it with their own money? it would be a huge start and who knows maybe it would encourage more charitable giving from people all around. it could become a trend. give it a sexy hashtag. would really separate them from the pack too and maybe win people across the aisle.
not interested in your personal attacks, i know i'm not a selfish person. i always help less fortunate people when i can. i would have to really dig into past CC statements but i can provide reciepts from gofund me and youcaring (JJ watt's hurricane harvey fund).... i don't need to virtue signal or worry about anyone else's pockets in order to feel better about myself. people have a right to spend and donate their money however they please... they don't need the government doing it with a gun to their head.
if you wanna help the less fortunate, go help the less fortunate. lead by example.