Sir Charles Barkley

The Chuckster
Aug 17, 2014
TNT & Turner Family
Charity is charity. Wow, you really set me straight. :beli:
And Progressives are calling for things on a scale larger than charities can offer, it would take the government. Universal healthcare, free college, etc. these are billions of dollars ideas.
First you were on its too expensive, now you are on why don't people just due it privately. I thought it was too expensive for the government, now you want individuals to pay fir it? Your arguments don't make sense. Why not just say you are selfish and don't give a shyt about other people? That would add up to the ideas you're forwarding lol.

"I'm not gonna donate any money to this guy on the street, what's he gonna do with 20 dollars?"

^ that's what you sound like now

why do you need to see other people take action first? if the progs are that concerned with the poor why not have bernie start a massive charity campaign and fund it with their own money? it would be a huge start and who knows maybe it would encourage more charitable giving from people all around. it could become a trend. give it a sexy hashtag. would really separate them from the pack too and maybe win people across the aisle.

not interested in your personal attacks, i know i'm not a selfish person. i always help less fortunate people when i can. i would have to really dig into past CC statements but i can provide reciepts from gofund me and youcaring (JJ watt's hurricane harvey fund).... i don't need to virtue signal or worry about anyone else's pockets in order to feel better about myself. people have a right to spend and donate their money however they please... they don't need the government doing it with a gun to their head.

if you wanna help the less fortunate, go help the less fortunate. lead by example.

Sir Charles Barkley

The Chuckster
Aug 17, 2014
TNT & Turner Family
I'm not usually a Quora fan, but in this case plenty of people are giving good matter-of-fact answers as to why insurance is regulated at the state level:

it appears that the biggest obstacle standing in the way of getting this done is regulation.

the fact is a true free market system would be able to provide healthcare more efficiently and at a lower cost than any government can.


Jun 6, 2012
New York
"I'm not gonna donate any money to this guy on the street, what's he gonna do with 20 dollars?"

^ that's what you sound like now

why do you need to see other people take action first? if the progs are that concerned with the poor why not have bernie start a massive charity campaign and fund it with their own money? it would be a huge start and who knows maybe it would encourage more charitable giving from people all around. it could become a trend. give it a sexy hashtag. would really separate them from the pack too and maybe win people across the aisle.

not interested in your personal attacks, i know i'm not a selfish person. i always help less fortunate people when i can. i would have to really dig into past CC statements but i can provide reciepts from gofund me and youcaring (JJ watt's hurricane harvey fund).... i don't need to virtue signal or worry about anyone else's pockets in order to feel better about myself. people have a right to spend and donate their money however they please... they don't need the government doing it with a gun to their head.

if you wanna help the less fortunate, go help the less fortunate. lead by example.
I told you there are charities and non-profits out there fulfilling the mission you talk about but because it isn't in the name of progressive politics you are choosing not to count it. That's on you. Wouldn't it look like an ulterior motive move if the Children's Defense Fund was in the name of Progressive politics also? It would also effectively turn away any potential donor not aligned politically. Not the smartest idea sir.
And yeah I'm advocating for charitable donations AND higher taxes on rich people and the federal budget spent on American citizens instead of defense. A topic you chose not to address in any detail. You know it doesn't have to be one or the other it can be both.

Sir Charles Barkley

The Chuckster
Aug 17, 2014
TNT & Turner Family
I told you there are charities and non-profits out there fulfilling the mission you talk about but because it isn't in the name of progressive politics you are choosing not to count it. That's on you. Wouldn't it look like an ulterior motive move if the Children's Defense Fund was in the name of Progressive politics also? It would also effectively turn away any potential donor not aligned politically. Not the smartest idea sir.
And yeah I'm advocating for charitable donations AND higher taxes on rich people and the federal budget spent on American citizens instead of defense. A topic you chose not to address in any detail. You know it doesn't have to be one or the other it can be both.

okay what does your tax system look like? just curious.

Professor Emeritus

Poster of the Year
Jan 5, 2015
the ether
it appears that the biggest obstacle standing in the way of getting this done is regulation.

the fact is a true free market system would be able to provide healthcare more efficiently and at a lower cost than any government can.

That's a joke, and suggests that you have no serious experience with the insurance industry at all. (Which you had already betrayed by the fact that you suggested an impossible, silly reform in the first place.)

The industry hires thousands and thousands of actuaries in order to figure out exactly what people are most likely to die from and when. As much as possible they manipulate the policies in order to cover things you won't need and leave gaps where you do need them. And then when you try to actually get covered for something, they find every loophole in the book in order to deny your coverage.

Of course, it is impossible for them to deny most things because current regulation forces them to cover such issues. But an unregulated industry, where no such coverage was guaranteed at all? Do you even begin to understand how cutthroat that would get?

Most of us are not insurance experts. We are not health insurance actuaries. We do not have staff numbered in the hundreds and lawyers by the dozens. We will never, ever be able to understand the fine print as well as they do.

In an unregulated industry, you will eventually see everyone divided up into basically two sets of plans. One will be the high-price Cadillac plans for those who can afford it, plans that people can trust to cover everything. And the other will be the low-cost plans that help you feel like you're covered but screw you over time and time again. There's a reason why every single nation that has lower cost health care and better outcomes for the poor than the USA has MORE regulation than we do, not less.

Of course, if you have a counterexample, do tell. Can you tell me what the unregulated, "true free market" health care system is that is providing healthcare more efficiently and at a lower cost than all the regulated ones, without patient outcomes being worse?

Copy Ninja

Dec 19, 2014
If democrats are going to use her as the new face of the party then they're gonna lose a lot of independents who still want some semblance of a free market.

Full blown socialism? :picard: