
Aug 9, 2014
She currently has the power to shame. That's it. She'll need more Progressives to actually affect any real legislation.

That's the best line.. .you hit it on the head

She's the shame ladies from years back, just chanting "shame shame shame" annoying as fukk lol


Aug 9, 2014
Good ideas (IMO) + desperation = Someone like AOC at the forefront. In fact, that's what got Obama to the forefront and elected.

Definitely disagree with this with Obama, we weren't desperate he was just a good candidate and well rounded. The desperation and just disgusting fringe populist mindset started with the tea party and ended with trump and now you have progressives basically coming from the opposite mold


May 23, 2012
Thats what Im saying. Shes brings attention and is saying and doing the right things, so far. But shes never going to actually do shyt like this, her own party probs scared of her :pachaha: but most politicians accomplish jack shyt so I wont really hold it against her I just dont get the idolization shes getting already

The thing is that the combination or her popularity and bringing new ideas to the forefront is putting concepts in front of the American public that they might not be familiar with. I can't tell you how many people I've explained what a marginal tax rate is to since she mentioned 70%. It's similar to Bernie with M4A; we're 3 years removed from the Democratic candidate saying Medicare for all will never pass but because of the awareness that Bernie brought to that even being an option...every single candidate for 2020 is liable to deliver language that suggests supporting M4A. The more constituents become familiarized with her proposals, the more opportunities arise to put pressure on representatives to pass progressive legislation (theoretically).

Secure Da Bag

Dec 20, 2017
Definitely disagree with this with Obama, we weren't desperate he was just a good candidate and well rounded.

I don't know how old you are. But at that time, we were. The clusterfukk that was the WoT, Iraq, Afghanistan. Bush looking like a figurehead and an idiot. It's why Obama's speech overshadowed Kerry. The effect of that speech was further magnified after Katrina. Obama was everything Bush wasn't. Bush was that bad, at the time.


Gleaming and Empty
May 11, 2012
The thing is that the combination or her popularity and bringing new ideas to the forefront is putting concepts in front of the American public that they might not be familiar with. I can't tell you how many people I've explained what a marginal tax rate is to since she mentioned 70%. It's similar to Bernie with M4A; we're 3 years removed from the Democratic candidate saying Medicare for all will never pass but because of the awareness that Bernie brought to that even being an option...every single candidate for 2020 is liable to deliver language that suggests supporting M4A. The more constituents become familiarized with her proposals, the more opportunities arise to put pressure on representatives to pass progressive legislation (theoretically).

I get that. But w/e shes doing now is gonna blow up in her face if she ever tries to actually do anything. The puss ass dems sabotaged bernie n hes way less no cap than she is. Which pretty much is the problem with politics in this country. Even if she truly is benevolent to enact any change she gonna have to play a different gsme and eventually become just like the others. Or mzybe shell get so much twitter clout it wont matter. A orange buffoon got elected so I have no idea what the future really holds. Just today Im not sold on her any more than any other pandering dem. I can be convinced however but itll take a lot more than tweets


KPJ Gonna Save Us
Mar 31, 2015
This is dead on target and a lot could have been picked up from this thread alone, only because it's HuffPo they missed that a few male Dems are threatened the same way. :lolbron:

Conservative Men Are Obsessed With Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez. Science Tells Us Why.

Conservative Men Are Obsessed With Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez. Science Tells Us Why.
Conservatives respond to fear more strongly than liberals do, says one neuroscientist who studies political anxiety
Conservatives’ bizarre, escalating obsession with Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez(D-N.Y.) reached a new level this week when The Daily Caller published fake revenge porn of the new congresswoman.

“Here’s The Photo Some People Described As A Nude Selfie Of Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez,” the Caller’s original headline read, before it was changed and the site posted a “we regret the error” message on Twitter. For the record, the photo is not of Ocasio-Cortez, despite what “some people” have said.

Since Ocasio-Cortez, a 29-year-old working-class democratic socialist, unexpectedly toppled powerful white male incumbent Joe Crowley in a June primary, she’s become an object of fixation among Republicans, especially Republican men. Conservative writer Ed Scarry posted a photo of her backside on Twitter, questioning whether her black suit was befitting of a “girl who struggles.” Right-wing media discovered that she ― like a lot of people named “Alexander,” “Alexandra” or some variant thereof ― went by the nickname “Sandy” in high school. A self-proclaimed “proud Christian Dad” on Twitter circulated a video of her dancing in a T-shirt in college as if it would be a career-damaging revelation. A Republican strategist referred to her as “the little girl” on Fox News, which runs segments about her constantly.

Here is America's favorite commie know-it-all acting like the clueless nitwit she is...
...High School video of "Sandy" Ocasio-Cortez

— AnonymousQ1776 (@AnonymousQ17763) January 4, 2019

The obvious explanation is that men have literally never seen a woman in her 20s in the halls of Congress before. She’s attractive, telegenic and good at social media. She dances outside her Cannon House office. Conservative men are confused at being drawn to this bright rising star in the Democratic Party while loathing everything she stands for.

But that doesn’t fully explain the fervor with which conservatives hang on her every word, waiting for her to slip, and dig through her past for any feeble sign that she isn’t who she says she is. There’s an existential, panicked tinge to the behavior here ― what you might call “AOC Derangement Syndrome.” Indeed, some experts say conservative men are obsessed with Ocasio-Cortez because they’re threatened by her.

Conservatives tend to respond to fear more strongly than liberals do, according to Bobby Azarian, a neuroscientist whose expertise in anxiety has led him to examine political behaviors. His research has found that the brains of conservative people are likely to display the same attention biases as the brains of people with anxiety.

“The one main cognitive difference is that conservatives are more sensitive to threat,” he said. “Their fears are sometimes exaggerated. I think they fear her.”

Ocasio-Cortez’s power is a direct threat to conservatives because her very existence in Congress as a young, Latina, working-class woman threatens to upend the social order that has kept white men in the ruling class for centuries. (Eighty-eight percent of House Republicans are white men, most are over the age of 50, and the party’s voters are majority white and male.) On top of that, she is using her position and platform to directly challenge that order ― to attempt to get money out of politics, raise taxes on the super-rich and level the playing field.

“She doesn’t just challenge the patriarchy, she’s challenging the race, class, and gender hierarchies all at once, as well as the capitalist system that requires member of Congress be wealthy before they get there,” said Caroline Heldman, a gender and politics professor at Occidental College. “That’s remarkably threatening.”

In a way, Ocasio-Cortez is the most formidable opponent to President Donald Trump the Democratic Party has put forth yet. She has even more of a knack for social media than America’s first Twitter president; she’s anti-establishment like he is; she breaks all the rules of how a politician is supposed to behave; and she has an undeniably strong emotional appeal.

“She’s engaging attention and emotion in people at this visceral level,” Azarian said. “She has some combination of a lot of features that really seems to give her this ability to go viral. And I think that’s what Trump had.”

That’s why conservatives want and need to undercut her influence. And the most time-tested way to undermine a woman’s power is to sexualize her, to make her an object instead of an agent. A 2013 study by the Women’s Media Center found that merely discussing a female candidate’s appearance has a negative effect on her support from voters.

“The moment at which you turn someone into a sex object, you put yourself in a position of authority over them, which is why sexual harassment is classified as being a form of gender discrimination in the workplace,” Heldman said. “They are the object who exists for you, and you are validating their worth.”

Or, as former Hillary Clinton campaign staffer Jess McIntosh put it: “Defining a woman’s value by whether or not men want to have sex with her is the oldest trick in the patriarchy. Either way, she’s diminished.”

The problem for these men is that Ocasio-Cortez doesn’t seem interested in what they think of her. She doesn’t seek attention for anything other than her policy ideas and ambition, even though Americans still seem to dislike power-seeking women. The typical strategies men use to devalue women ― “sexualizing, dismissing, controlling, teasing, criticizing, interrupting, psychopathologizing, humiliating, abusing,” according to one psychologist ― seem to bounce right off her.

“Alexandria presents a challenge, because conservative men or men in general who are encouraged to objectify women are attracted to her, but she’s also ‘unmanageable’ in that she doesn’t exist for them,” Heldman said. “She is a woman who not only has now formal power, but a lot of informal power, in that she doesn’t give a damn what they think of her. I think it’s a disconcerting place for men who may be used to attractive women seeking their validation.”

That kind of inability to deal with a woman like Ocasio-Cortez is, in many ways, emblematic of the broader crisis facing the Republican Party, which is moving backward in terms of gender diversity in Congress even as Democrats add more women and people of color to their ranks each year. In the 1990s, women were equally distributed across both parties in Congress; today, there are 13 Republican women and 89 Democratic women. Republicans have only ever had one black woman in the House of Representatives, Mia Love of Utah, and she just lost her bid for re-election.

That’s a self-reinforcing dynamic, said Laurel Elder, politics professor and head of the gender studies program at Hartwick College.

“The way they’ve talked about some of the new women in the 116th Congress, and the way they’ve tried to belittle or mock [Ocasio-Cortez], this just makes women feel like, ‘Oh, this party is not welcoming of women,’” Elder said. “‘This is not a place where I’d feel comfortable throwing my hat in the ring.’ Now the dynamic has a life of its own.”

The obsessive focus on Ocasio-Cortez and her past may not just discourage Republican women from seeking office ― it could intimidate any woman who grew up in the age of social media and is interested in politics but doesn’t want to see her adolescent life splashed all over the front pages.

For now, though, Ocasio-Cortez has proven able to parry the attacks, simply by holding up a mirror to the men who are convulsing in anxiety as she rises to influence.

I had posted an article on here a few months back about this same sentiment of how conservatives are driven and easily manipulated by fear.

This is a very interesting expansion on that premise. :ehh:


KPJ Gonna Save Us
Mar 31, 2015
I get that. But w/e shes doing now is gonna blow up in her face if she ever tries to actually do anything. The puss ass dems sabotaged bernie n hes way less no cap than she is. Which pretty much is the problem with politics in this country. Even if she truly is benevolent to enact any change she gonna have to play a different gsme and eventually become just like the others. Or mzybe shell get so much twitter clout it wont matter. A orange buffoon got elected so I have no idea what the future really holds. Just today Im not sold on her any more than any other pandering dem. I can be convinced however but itll take a lot more than tweets

Her and Bernie are moving the Overton window back to the left. Fox and right wing news has pulled it so far to the right that this makes a big difference.

They had a literal genocide advocate on Tucker Carlson's program talking about Camp of the Saints. Sociopaths like Bannon, Miller, Gorka in the white house. Plus all of the corporate cronyism and court packing.

There needs to be some force pulling in the other direction because our entire system has been over run by RWNJs


Gleaming and Empty
May 11, 2012
I feel that. Like I said I hope she legit. Itd be a nice change of pace. If she can attention whore to real tangible positive shyt I want her all up in every video, but if it leads to nothing shell run out her good will pretty fast. Or maybe not the white liberals will love her forever because shes basically them.


Aug 9, 2014
I don't know how old you are. But at that time, we were. The clusterfukk that was the WoT, Iraq, Afghanistan. Bush looking like a figurehead and an idiot. It's why Obama's speech overshadowed Kerry. The effect of that speech was further magnified after Katrina. Obama was everything Bush wasn't. Bush was that bad, at the time.

Bush was hawkish and yeah aloof but nothing like trump. The difference between McCain and Obama wasn't anything like trump is and the distance people want from him and the Republican party

Secure Da Bag

Dec 20, 2017

Fox News about to go crazy.:mjgrin:

They honestly have a reason too. Though, I'm sure they'll complain for the wrong reason. She really should be in The Subcommittee on Energy and Power (is a subcommittee within the United States House Committee on Energy and Commerce.)

I wonder if Pelosi is setting her against Waters because they are both women of color and is hoping that AOC says/does something that will compel Waters to react and make AOC look bad. That's really the only reason I see her being there.

Again, I'm becoming a cynic.

EDIT: After reading her bio, maybe it's not all "fukk her over" politics after all. Degree makes her qualified to be on the committee.
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Secure Da Bag

Dec 20, 2017
So Wikipedia tells me this:

She graduated cum laude from Boston University's College of Arts and Sciences in 2011 with a bachelor's degree in international relations and economics.[21][25][26]


Ocasio-Cortez is a self-described democratic socialist.[108] She is a member of the Democratic Socialists of America.[11] She clarified that the kind of socialism she advocates is not that of Venezuela or Cuba but would "most closely resemble what we see in the U.K., in Norway, in Finland, in Sweden."[109][110]

Ocasio-Cortez supports progressive policies such as Medicare for All, a job guarantee,[111] tuition-free public college, ending the privatization of prisons, and enacting gun-control policies.[112]

She's definitely running for President. :obama: