Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez: Newly elected Hispanic Dem Socialist. Possible Candidate for President?

Professor Emeritus

Poster of the Year
Jan 5, 2015
the ether
The backlash from a black president is Donald Trump. That's how far whites will go to keep themselves in these positions. Add the majority conservative Supreme Court allowing gerrymandering, and it's a wrap. White women do what their men tell them to do. They are not voting for a woman regardless of party. Black men earned the right to vote before white women. That shows you how serious white men are about patriarchy.
You're acting like Obama didn't win again in 2012. :francis:

The backlash from a black president was...another four years for that Black president. :mjgrin:

If the Dems had nominated someone as charismatic and likable as Obama in 2016, he/she would have won no matter what race/gender they were. Obama's approval ratings in 2016 were WAY higher than Trump or Clinton's. There was backlash, but that backlash isn't enough to move the needle without other factors too, like Clinton being unlikeable as hell, Clinton being under investigation for all of 2016, all the Russian stuff, and then the DNC completely disrespecting Bernie and alienated progressives.

You're acting like Clinton didn't win the popular vote by 3 million votes and didn't only lose the electoral college by a fraction of a %.

Hell, wasn't she up like 5% in the polls or more until Comey dropped that email bombshell on the final weekend? There were all sorts of tiny things that could have turned the election.

Yes, there was "some" backlash from Obama being Black. It was enough to propel Trump to only 46% of the vote, even though he was running against the most disliked Democratic candidate of our lifetimes.

And Trump's voters dying off - the only place he won 50%+ was among voters over 50, and every four years for them is four years closer to death.

Clinton DOMINATED the 18-44 vote, 53% to just 39%. In 2028, those people will have aged to become the 18-56 vote. Are they all just gonna disappear?

And you say, "White women do what their men tell them to do." Only 52% of White women voted for Trump. That's barely half. White women with college degrees preferred Clinton, and by a large margin. White women under 30 also preferred Cilnton. Trump only won due to uneducated rural white women over 30. Again, 2028 is a good 12 years after 2016 and their demographic battle keeps being a losing one.

Ya'all are great Monday morning quarterbacks but you have no idea what will happen next Sunday. None of ya'all were telling me in 2006 that Obama was winning in a landslide in 2008, none of ya'all had Obama winning 2012 without a sweat even without a strong economy, and none of ya'all knew in 2015 that Trump would be voted in by 2016.


Jul 21, 2015
:salute: this is a huge step forward. Centrist or outright right-wing "machine" democrats with came to do good, stayed to do well tenure like Joe Crowley is what led to someone like Trump taking over.

fukk Crowley, Cuomo, Clinton, Pelosi, Emmanuel :camby: all of these old fake-left virtue signaling establishment Dems need to get the fukk out. they are a big reason why we have the president we have. they were too busy counting money and :cape: for whatever the latest Trans LGBTX issue of the week was to not have the foresight to see the sucker punch coming right at them.

NY state is the perfect example of why these fugazi Dems need to go. the place is literally falling apart and we pay insane taxes and get chiseled on everything. fukk out of here.

cant wait to see what these dem primaries look like. a lot of dead weight is gonna get dropped and it'll take some time but they'll assemble a group that will make sure the Clintons and Emmanuels of the world wont blow another election. i blame the DNCC more than I blame Trump's witless support base honestly. they're idiots. and the DNCC wrote them off instead or trying to engage them. its obvious that they are juice drinkers who can be easily swayed if they are dumb enough to believe a billionare from NYC has their best interests at heart :mindblown: instead Hilary, et. al. were worrying about the couple thousand trans people and virtue signaling on every hot topic of the week :rudy: fukkin idiots

:salute: to this girl and her grassroots shyt

Professor Emeritus

Poster of the Year
Jan 5, 2015
the ether
No good for black people will come from her election into Presidency in particular (if she does become a bonafide candidate).
Single payer healthcare, free college education, job guarantees, and getting rid of private prisons not good for black people?

She’s Puerto Rican.
NY is like 30% immigrant.
She’s running on a platform that has focus on issues nearly all of which help AAs.

Healthcare, prison and CJ reform, school funding, end to gerrymandering/redistributing, greater oversight for police forces and scaling back the militarization, legalized marijuana, etc.

Probably not.
The US surprises me everyday.
It’s possible, just not probable. She wasn’t even a political candidate a year ago, so this could take quite a bit of time.

:what: Venezuela is like that because of healthcare and free college? Come on you can't be serious. What about petroleum and corruption? What about all the Northern/Western European countries striving with similar characteristics?
Nah breh those critics aren't valid.
They don't know anything about history. They don't even know that Venezuela's economy was trash and their government was corrupt as hell BEFORE anyone was even talking about socialism there.

The go-to move on the far right is to talk about freaking 3rd-world countries any time anyone ever mentions "Democratic Socialism", as if there aren't 1st-world Democratic Socialist countries that would be WAY better examples right in front of our noses.

Public school is free and a lot of the system is trash. I believe everyone should have access to healthcare, but if it's free for everyone what is the quality going to be like? and if it's free high quality healthcare for everyone, do I have to pay 75% of my paycheck to the gov't?

Free college? see my previous paragraph.

Getting rid of private prisons I'm 100% behind though.

I just don't want us to end up looking like....Venezuela...

You're complaining about our public school system when the "Democratic Socialist" countries all have better public school systems than what's your point?

You wanna take a look at a country with no public school system and see how trash their educational system is? :mjlol:

Venezuela was screwed BEFORE they had a socialist president, because of corruption and an oil-economy. And they're still screwed....because of corruption and an oil economy. Socialism has nothing to do with it.

I don't know the numbers off the top of my head but western nations with successful universal healthcare make their citizens pay a grip in taxes....correct me if I'm wrong.

Not trying to be a contrarian, but one thing I learned in life....nothing is free...ever.

My thing is, I don't feel I should have to pay for Carlos to eat himself to 450lbs, and then as a result, has about 7 different major medical issues that we all have to pick up the tab for.

Or Becky who smokes 7 packs of cigarettes a day.

My boy's father is a doctor and he says at least half the patients he sees is directly due to their lifestyle habits.

This is an unhealthy country, not only spiritually but physically. Free healthcare doesn't sound too least the free part.
But you DO pay for all those people's issues already. You pay for them via higher insurance rates, subsidies, Medicare, etc.

Do you know that the United States pays more for health care than any other country on Earth? If we move to a better system it will almost certainly LOWER our costs. Yes, they pay higher taxes, but their daily out-of-pocket costs for everything else are lowered by so much that it more than makes up for it.

TLR Is Mental Poison

The Coli Is Not For You
May 3, 2012
The Opposite Of Elliott Wilson's Mohawk
Most of what you’re complaining about is the fault of conservative lawmakers and judges on the state and federal level.

Obama made several inroads to reform criminal justice just to have most of his progressions reversed by Trump and yet you’re here bytching about Obama instead of placing the blame where it should be.

That republicans are blatantly shooting your house up with ak47’s but you reserve most of your venom for Obama.

It’s baffling.
I'm talking about Democrats because this is a thread about Democrats :what:

You are talking about Republicans in a thread about Democrats because you can't rebut my arguments :camby:

So all the good things happening are the Democrats doing, all the bad things happening are the Republicans doing. You know what's funny; I talk to conservatives all the time, and they say just the opposite. As long as nobody is willing to hold their own party accountable, the country's gonna keep spiraling out of control :martin:

fukk the Democrats any anyone who gives them their vote "off GP". You loyalist nikkas are giving up your votes for nothing :idiot:


May 21, 2012
I'm talking about Democrats because this is a thread about Democrats :what:

You are talking about Republicans in a thread about Democrats because you can't rebut my arguments :camby:

So all the good things happening are the Democrats doing, all the bad things happening are the Republicans doing. You know what's funny; I talk to conservatives all the time, and they say just the opposite. As long as nobody is willing to hold their own party accountable, the country's gonna keep spiraling out of control :martin:

fukk the Democrats any anyone who gives them their vote "off GP". You loyalist nikkas are giving up your votes for nothing :idiot:

You have no good arguments. All you have are hollow uneducated talking points you got from Tariq Nasheed and Fox News.

I vote for Dems because I mostly agree with their platform and wholeheartedly disagree with the republican platform. I vote for Dems because I believe in public education, healthcare for all, rich people paying their fair share of taxes, sustainable energy, the environment, criminal justice reform, and compassionate policies for the poor and minorities.

This flimsy both sides bullshyt argument you keep foolishly parading is why we are going to end up with judicial system stacked with the Stephen Miller’s and Clarence Thomas’s of the world who will blatantly and fully enable white supremacists ideals and the struggle of disenfranchised people for decades to come.

You’re an idiot when it comes to politics and it shows. Go read a book and come back and debate me when your knowledge of the progressive ideals goes beyond Hilary and a crime bill from 20 years ago.



We're on the blood path now
May 2, 2012
Center self, inner self
I've always felt that society would function best with a socialism foundation supporting a capitalist framework. Having basic needs met, government funded healthcare, income and advanced education, would actually aid the capitalist structures of our society. More money circulating would allow for bigger opportunities of acquiring wealth, which is why it's stupid that these rich, greedy fukks want to restrict the working class from flourishing.

Anyways, that chick is insanely hot, insanely brave and insanely smart. Good luck to her :salute:


Aug 29, 2014
Ricans and Mexicans are not even close to the same thing :dahell:
You can’t fault Americans for thinking this when everything and everyone is sold as one Latino or Hispanic “racial” or ethnic group.

In Statistics and Census they are counted as one group.


Off the Onion

No tolerance for the fatherless
Jan 14, 2017
You can’t fault Americans for thinking this when everything and everyone is sold as one Latino or Hispanic “racial” or ethnic group.

In Statistics and Census they are counted as one group.


:comeon:Here you go again lol a little jealous are we?