16 straight pay per view events she’s been champ or been in the title match? Christ that’s awful. Even peak super Cena didn’t hog the main event that long straight. Triple H’s reign of terror saw him work 17 straight months on raw where he was champ going into the pay per view or challenging for it from unforgiven 2002 through backlash 2004 to give some context for how over the top having Alexa in the title scene this long without interruption.
Edit: actually Cena had 11 straight pay per view events from Wrestlemania 21 through one night stand 2006, didn’t challenge at vengeance 2006, and then another 11 straight from summerslam 2006 through unforgiven 2007 and was about to headline no mercy before getting hurt, won the rumble when he came back, and then challenged another 3 months straight from no way out through backlash 2008