Mike the Executioner
What went on up there? Poppers and weird sex!
As a heel, she was just K-Mart Trish, all the way down to her facial expressions. Her most memorable promo was from the Bayley This Is Your Life segment, and I only remember that cause it was one of the most embarrassing segments of that era.
When she first got called up in 2016, I was impressed by how well she handled herself on the mic. After a while, I realized that the reason she stood out in the first place is because a lot of the women didn't know how to talk. She wasn't one of the best talkers in the company; she was just being graded on a curve.
Not to say that there's been plenty of other women to come around and have great promos, but Becky and Ronda were a lot more interesting on the mic than Alexa ever was. They can cut convincing face and heel promos. Alexa is really limited with what she can talk about.