And people would snort and giggle at someone saying the government was spying on everyone not that long ago...
Now it's just acceptable at this point. They won. Any verified conspiracy aside from alien life would be met with

Not true. There is a HUGE conspiracy community, bigger than it has EVER been. People like Alex Jones, Cernovich, Posobiec, and the whole Q abomination are government/right wing propagandists, and it can be placed directly on their shoulders for all of these corps shytting down ALL conspiracy platforms right now. There are pods like “The conspiracy guys” a completely antiseptic duo, that had their very successful yt page taken down/demonetized in light of the whole Alex Jones shyt.
Everybody should be mad at Alex & Friends because of all this, instead of running to his aid. Conspiracy is not, at the heart of it, a “bad faith” theory, it’s not a malicious thing, used to further hurt people. It is a thing that we do to get to the bottom of an entity (group of people/corp/govt/etc..) doing things that affect people, but not admit to doing it/placing blame on someone else/hiding the action completely/covering up. When I say “bad faith”, I am referring to these fukking a$$holes that take a situation where people/places/things are harmed/killed/destroyed/sabotaged, and deny that it happened/downplay the significance/blame people that had nothing to do with it, or even create a non-event/conspiracy/hypothetical where there is not one, and promote it to political ends, as opposed to have the conspiracy theorists research something organically derived from an actual event. The irresponsible manner in which a platform as large as infowars operates should absolutely be muzzled. We are not in Kansas anymore, this is a new, scary age, where weapons that can kill a lot of people in a very short amount of time can be purchased very easily, and there are a lot of very low info people out there, with mental illnesses and a weird, very powerful sense of “religious” conviction, are practically being told that babies are being kidnapped and exposed to sex slavery by someone with actual millions of real people in this country that listen, and believe a “actor”. He tells people that sandy hook was not real, so his listeners not only harass the victims parents, but attack with such vitriol that the parents actually have to uproot their lives multiple times. “Muhh 1st amendment” should NOT protect this guy, as a matter of fact, anybody that gets caught using the 1st amendment the way this fukking clown does, should be [redacted]!