Wow, you really are a very dishonest poster.
The problem here is not Alex Jones calling Obama or Hillary names and you know it, he can talk shyt about them all he wants.
This is the actual problem. There is a difference between people calling Trump, Pelosi or Cruz or any other politician names and what Alex Jones is said about Obama and Hillary, especially the part about him knowing high level people and people in protective details who he claims are his source for his ridicules claim.
We're you just born yesterday? How many newspaper articles or news shows do you watch when the writer or pundit says "sources said"......
Who cares though? Is it that serious? Everyday we listen to mainstream media and they say they have "sources" who can confirm this or that. Who are these sources??? I don't see you complaining about that. Journalist, if they want to stay in business have an obligation to protect sources that don't want to be known. Do they get sources that are inaccurate or feeding them bullshiit, sure. Here's the thing he has had people from her detail on his show,
"Sources" said Trump had Russians prostitutes peeing on him on Moscow. 'Sources" said Iraq had weapons of mass destruction. Sources said have told the mainstream media all types of bullshiit.
Who cares about Hillary smelling like sulfur or not, that is smallest thing to be concerned about. Plus, he has had actual security detail for the Clintons when President and Arkansas Governor on his show multiple times....not saying they are the sulfur "sources", but they are out in the open "sources" that spent considerable time with the Clintons.
Larry Nichols, security in Little Rock
Don Bongino, security at the White House
As far as the hurricane, the host is showing a digital weather map, and it shows twice, 2 beams coming from the south hitting around the Hawaiian Islands. It's clear as day. He's showing it.
He's showing documentation, asking the question what that event on weather scanning map is, then providing his own assessment. He's actually more asking a question than providing an answer. If you actually watch the video of what he is showing, there is no denial that is a strange streak across the screen
Watch the 4 minute video in the link, or embed the video. Then tell me if what he said or asking is so preposterous. Do you know what that beam is? Will the weather experts provide an explanation or nah?