Alex Jones in divorce court, embarrassing pics of old bodybuilding career surface


Nov 19, 2016
What are the implications of the United Nations being lumped in with Fox News, the Catholic Church and boy scouts?
You asked why cover ups happen. Funding and PR. But once again, your argument is coming from dishonesty.

The purpose of none of these organizations is to proliferate pedophilia. Further, these pedophiles are being arrested and charged. There has always been extensive media coverage and for the most part the rate of pedophilia and pederasty falls in line within society's norms.

This doesn't make it okay, but it answers your question.


Aug 31, 2013
You asked why cover ups happen. Funding and PR. But once again, your argument is coming from dishonesty.

The purpose of none of these organizations is to proliferate pedophilia. Further, these pedophiles are being arrested and charged. There has always been extensive media coverage and for the most part the rate of pedophilia and pederasty falls in line within society's norms.

This doesn't make it okay, but it answers your question.

1) Tell me how many UN peacekeepers have been arrested and charged? How many abuse cases are there overall?

2) Do they include United Nations representatives abusing Haitian children when deciding "societal norms?"

The UN Peacekeeper exposal isn't a conspiracy theory, and you responding with, "There has always been extensive media coverage and for the most part the rate of pedophilia and pederasty falls in line within society's norms," is weird as fukk considering I haven't heard this mentioned anywhere except the internet.
May 30, 2014
Midwest/East Coast/Tx (Now in Canada)
1) Tell me how many UN peacekeepers have been arrested and charged? How many abuse cases are there overall?

2) Do they include United Nations representatives abusing Haitian children when deciding "societal norms?"

The UN Peacekeeper exposal isn't a conspiracy theory, and you responding with, "There has always been extensive media coverage and for the most part the rate of pedophilia and pederasty falls in line within society's norms," is weird as fukk considering I haven't heard this mentioned anywhere except the internet.
Dude is a more professional statist sycophant than nap.


All Star
Jul 16, 2014
You asked why cover ups happen. Funding and PR. But once again, your argument is coming from dishonesty.

The purpose of none of these organizations is to proliferate pedophilia. Further, these pedophiles are being arrested and charged. There has always been extensive media coverage and for the most part the rate of pedophilia and pederasty falls in line within society's norms.

This doesn't make it okay, but it answers your question.

"I did not even have breasts," said a girl, known as V01 — Victim No. 1. She told U.N. investigators that over the next three years, from ages 12 to 15, she had sex with nearly 50 peacekeepers, including a "Commandant" who gave her 75 cents. Sometimes she slept in U.N. trucks on the base next to the decaying resort, whose once-glamorous buildings were being overtaken by jungle.

Justice for victims like V01 is rare. An Associated Press investigation of U.N. missions during the past 12 years found nearly 2,000 allegations of sexual abuse and exploitation by peacekeepers and other personnel around the world — signaling the crisis is much larger than previously known. More than 300 of the allegations involved children, the AP found, but only a fraction of the alleged perpetrators served jail time.

Legally, the U.N. is in a bind. It has no jurisdiction over peacekeepers, leaving punishment to the countries that contribute the troops.

The AP interviewed alleged victims, current and former U.N. officials and investigators and sought answers from 23 countries on the number of peacekeepers who faced such allegations and, what if anything, was done to investigate. With rare exceptions, few nations responded to repeated requests, while the names of those found guilty are kept confidential, making accountability impossible to determine.

Without agreement for widespread reform and accountability from the U.N.'s member states, solutions remain elusive.

Here in Haiti, at least 134 Sri Lankan peacekeepers exploited nine children in a sex ring from 2004 to 2007, according to an internal U.N. report obtained by the AP. In the wake of the report, 114 peacekeepers were sent home. None was ever imprisoned.

AP Exclusive: UN child sex ring left victims but no arrests

You're the dishonest one. Your continuous and vehement caping for pedophiles/corruption is suspect to say the least.

Furthermore, you have no idea when it comes to the "normal" rate of pedophilia/crimes against children. Hundreds of pedophiles will get rounded up in a bust and it is only reported in the local media and then pushed to the back of the news cycle. This is intentional and for a reason.

High level military and intelligence personal have recently formed a coalition for this very reason. There are groups within government of good people who actually investigate and go after these pedophiles and child murderers, and they'll find children in vats of acid, children mutilated with their skulls cut to expose the brain, rows of cages, basically satanic child abuse and murder on an industrial scale. This is the reality. So Craig Sawyer recently started Veterans For Child Rescue.. he's been the host of several television shows and is an extremely decorated Seal among other things. He's going to actually document this for public consumption so sheep like you can wake up. No channel or media outlet would agree to it, so he started a crowdfunding campaign and raised $50,000+ in a matter of several hours.. guess what? It was shut down. Fortunately, he found a crowdfunding site that's not intimidated by litigious pedophiles. They've received $125,000 so far for the docuseries, and there's 7 days left in the campaign. So pretty soon you won't be able to cape for these sick fukks like the creep you are.

Dude is a more professional statist sycophant than nap.

Dude is pathetic.
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All Star
Jul 16, 2014
Facts to y'all are like light to vampires. :russ: Y'all don't know what to do but post the same unfunny Stephen Colbert clip. I'd have thought you'd be in this thread heavy considering Alex Jones' new girl has been revealed as an ex-sensuous massage servicer. Just concede that us "conspiracy theorists" are right and stop caping for luciferian pedos.
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All Star
Jul 16, 2014
@Adidacs are you black?

Why are you :cape: so hard for this white man who said many questionable and dumb things in the past?

I'm black.

I'm no longer engaging in vague conversation based in supposition without evidence. Present his supposed racism, please.

Second, not caping for anything but truth. I don't get caught up in idolatry like most nowadays. Just like he says in the video above.. don't trust him. Go look for yourself and come to your own conclusions. You'll never hear any mainstream personality, because they act on behalf of those who want to be the authority. They literally want to be your god. So I'll take a dramatic gatekeeper with 80-90% truth over a lying b*stard with 80-90% lies any day.