iTunes. Best Buy. Target. ihussle.comI got rep for that mustard
Just picked up the physical too. Why ain’t double up on there?
Victory Lap was the only reason why reactivated my apple subscriptioniTunes. Best Buy. Target.
I feel the same way breh. Had my hopes up with last time I checc’dIm a huge Nipsey supporter, been since the first Bullets Aint Got No Name...
But despite all the wait... I just can’t get jiggy with this album. Something is missing, the production feels bland and Nip doesnt come across right imo.
So I listened to it, it's trash, the whole way through. I didn't read any replies in this thread to bias my response. It's trash. No standout tracks that I would play again.
What happened to Mailbox Money Nipsey?
The Kendrick lamar track was alright though.
The rest was boring.
Also the beats were trash.
Mailbox money had way better production.