My dad told me about this but I didn't inquire to much about it, I just took his word for it.
Sleazy lookin' dude....
skip to 3:30
Super perm...check
Little ass tie ... check
Gold medallian .... check
look ...... CHECK .. don't ask me how..
Smiley-able .....check
Should be interesting ..... ...... 4 decades of high profile connections and more........
Whose going play Al Sharpton in the Al Sharpton movie? ..
kenan from kenan and kell
i don't give a sh1t aout al sharp and msnbc but i can lt devils play me against him.I've been saying that Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson were agents. The powers that be (not Obama) are going to make sure that all these "so called" black leaders are further tainted. They did deals with the devil at the detriment of the black community. The Devil is not loyal so after he uses you, he will destroy you. Jesse Jackson and his son are in complete silence now. Black people need to stop politicking with these devils.
kenan from kenan and kell