Just because it “sold” some units back then doesn’t mean it was a great Album, had 2-3 bangers but most of that album was album fillers. 4:44 is Jay Z worst album, 262k first week in 2017 is about 100k units in todays music. Eminem has twice the Fan base Jay Z has and Managed to do 280k first week.
Nobody looking out for Jay Z like you think they are.
The Bolded…… you forgot a little detail about Sprint Literally buying A MILLION Units. GTFO with that Fake ass double platinum plaque.
- By July 2, the album was offered as a free download, sponsored by Sprint, via the website 444.tidal.com.[126][127] Those album downloads—which were free to the consumer but purchased by Sprint for distribution—were counted by the RIAA towards the Platinum certification. Roc Nation told Billboard that the certification reflects those 1 million downloads, and no streams were applied towards the certification.[3]