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Jun 9, 2013
Jun 9, 2013

AJ Lee’s love for the Divas Championship
Has a champion ever loved their prize as much as AJ loves her Divas Title? Probably not. We spoke to the Divas Champion to better understand her unique relationship with the butterfly.

“They’re personal conversations between me and my child,” AJ told when asked about talking to the Divas Title. “I just reassure it,” she said. “I just reassure it that it’s not going anywhere. It’s safe in my arms.” “It’s scared when it’s around The Bellas or Kaitlyn or any of those girls.” “But it’s going to stay here forever and ever and ever.”


Sep 27, 2013
I think that page was posted a while ago and it has not been updated and they have changed her schedule. The Belfast tour headlined by Cena/Orton starts tonight. BUT, AJ is scheduled for a House Show tonight in Colombia, SC main evented by Punk. So, tonight's SC house show crew is the touring crew headlined by Punk. And she now appears to be apart of that.
Jun 9, 2013
WWE.COM: AJ has been Divas Champion since June. Did you see that coming?

EVE: Definitely. When I was there, she was gaining so much momentum. AJ’s a Diva that has done so well for herself, been a part of some amazing matches and tied to some pretty important people. Now she gets to represent the division by being the Divas Champ. Whether she’s perceived as good or bad, it doesn’t matter. It helps elevate the entire division when somebody people care about is on top.the whole Eve interview is here
Jun 9, 2013
A Very Important Lesson about April Jeanette Mendez aka A.J. Lee (@WWEAJLee)
Hello WWE Universe,

I am fully honored to be a fan of the current Divas Champion, A.J. Lee. Please hear me. She doesn’t deserve hate or disrespect from anyone, not even her fans. Please understand that the things A.J. does in the WWE ring are scripted, neither real nor fake. The actions she does in the ring are part of the storylines A.J. is engaged in. If you are about to meet A.J. Lee or have met A.J. Lee before, you will understand that April Jeanette Mendez is very much unlike her character in the ring. Please note that April Jeanette Mendez is the real person and A.J. Lee is the character. You will not see A.J. Lee switch from WWE Superstar to WWE Superstar in real life. A.J. is not like that. Please understand the differences between professional wrestling storylines and real life. A.J. Lee in real life is actually nice and good-natured. She works out in the gym, loves her dog Nacho very much, plays video games, watches action movies, and reads comic books. You shouldn’t hate on A.J. Lee if she doesn’t tweet on Twitter for a day, two days, or more than two days. Understand that A.J. Lee has a busy life, as she is a professional wrestler. Please don’t ever think for one second that A.J. does not care about her fans. She cares about her fans, and will always care about her fans. So, everybody, will you please stop hating on A.J.? Will you stop calling her mean adjectives, like slut and whore? Because A.J. Lee is none of those things. A.J. Lee has her own life like everybody else in the world. She cares about her fans, but she also has a life, which is paying her dues in the wrestling business. A.J. deserves respect, niceness, caring, support, admiration, and cheers from her fans all around the world. However, the things we will not tolerate are disrespect, hate, bashing, and being mean to A.J. Lee. Those things show that those people are not true A.J. fans. Don’t just love A.J. for her outward appearance (looks, fit body, smile, her wrestling abilities), but also love A.J. Lee for her inner beauty (her personality, her heart). A.J. Lee is a calm, hardworking, strong, brilliant, courageous, smart, mature and nice woman. WWE Universe, I hope you understand that the person and the character the person is playing are two TOTALLY DIFFERENT people. April Jeanette Mendez, the real person, is a gifted woman. She is not the “Black Widow” in real life. She has a normal life. A.J. Lee is a tomboy and a nerd, just like her portrayer April Jeanette Mendez, the real person. Sometimes, the character the real person portrays will use some characteristics from his/her real life counterpart to exhibit as part of his/her character. Please understand what I am telling you, WWE Universe. Wrestling is April Jeanette Mendez’s passion. A.J. Lee is her character. Don’t ever think most of the things A.J. Lee does as a face or a heel in WWE, that April Jeanette Mendez does in real life, too. A.J. Lee, the character, and April Jeanette Mendez, the real person, are two different people, except they are both tomboys and nerds. A.J. Lee has worked hard to win the WWE Divas Championship for fourteen years. She was very sure and confident about it. April Jeanette Mendez, the real life counterpart of A.J. Lee, always does what is right and never does what is wrong. The Union City, New Jersey native always has, as her real-life best friend Celeste Bonin aka Kaitlyn would say, the spirit (spelled #SpearIt, according to Kaitlyn, named after her Spear finishing maneuver). She is charismatic, and a very sweet woman. She has made contributions to this world, in many ways that are positive. Make no mistake about it, I’m not patronizing A.J. Lee, I’m actually serious about giving her the respect she deserves. You have to understand A.J. Lee. Who could hate her? Who would say bad stuff about A.J.? That is just plain disrespectful and rude. Understand that the things A.J. has done for years would be a good reason to understand she has earned the respect from fans all around the world. April Jeanette Mendez is an expert in being herself. Respect is earned, not given, but is not also taken lightly. family from poverty, when she was a child. When she was a teenager, she overcame the shackles of poverty and homelessness. She worked so many jobs to save herself and her family. For six years, she has paid her dues to the wrestling industry. A.J. will always remain in my heart and the rest of her fans’ hearts, too. A.J. Lee is grateful for her fans’ support, admiration, cheers, love, support, and respect for her. April Jeanette Mendez could want nothing more or nothing less than the fact that she is herself and that she is a humanitarian. She is a member of ASPCA. She loves pets. She loves her chihuahua, Nacho. The WWE Universe means everything to A.J. Lee. Don’t think for one second that she is giving up. A.J. Lee is not a quitter. She is a bonafide Diva. She has redefined the term “Diva”. A REAL Diva comes in three ways: Sexy. Smart. Powerful. That’s what A.J. Lee really is. A.J. Lee is much more than a Diva. She is a tomboyish Diva. A.J. Lee is the kind of Diva that male and female fans could and would want to relate to. April Jeanette Mendez has worked very hard since day one. I am very honored to be an A.J. Lee fan. She is one of the orchestrators, who were behind redefining the Divas division. She has power and pride. I hope that someday, I will get to meet this innocent, youthful, lively woman. A.J., you are a very tremendous, awesome Diva. I always keep your personality and talents in mind. You’ve done an outstanding, extraordinary job over the years. This is why I will continue to draw fan art for you and keep writing supportive letters to you, so I can show you the respect, admiration, support, cheers, and adoration you deserve. I, Alexander Miller, a true fan of you, am honored to let you that I will be turning nineteen years old on August 18, 2013, the same day WWE SummerSlam 2013 takes place in the Staples Center, in Los Angeles, California. On that day, I will tweet you a picture of my birthday cake with some pictures of you on it. You might like it or appreciate it. I’m really sure about it. The things you and your best friend Kaitlyn have done have changed my life. You and Kaitlyn are my inspirations and idols. I wish you the best in your endeavors and your career.


Alexander N. Miller

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