A fan on Twitter who was at the Mexico City WWE house show on Friday, claims AJ Lee and Punk arrived in separate buses, but met up in the hotel lobby, and ate together. And Punk seemed pissed off when someone asked about Lita in front of AJ.
"And 1 guy say "Hey Punk, how’s Lita?" and Punk was very angry because he was with AJ in this moment"
An exact quote when asked if they seemed like a couple:
"I think so. They had a good time together and we see that Punk enjoys being with her and she with him, they are cute

@TaylorPittsWWE was AJ with him at any of they times??
@AjChloe In the lobby of the hotel, yes. And 1 guy say "Hey Punk, how's Lita?" and Punk was very angry because he was with AJ in this moment
@TaylorPittsWWE hi. So what did AJ do when the guy mentioned Lita to Punk?
@TaylorPittsWWE AJ told him to calm down. Wow, that really made him upset!
@Keniy88 Yes, he was very angry! Then they went into the rooms, but AJ did not give importance to what Lita.
@TaylorPittsWWE so wait, AJ and Punk were like by each other or close to each other? Lol
@Moooooooorgann Haha were close to each other. if you want to know is if they are a couple or not, I think yes and I'm secure 80% .