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Jul 7, 2012
If you look pass the dirty, you'll see most of us had nothing but nice things to say about her and come off as very supportive.

I don't care if AJ thinks we're crazy. I still love her and I still love you guys.

Matt Black

Oct 21, 2012
And by y'all, you mean Matt. I made sure I was a gentleman when describing our lovely April.

I have no idea why you brehs keep saying this about me!! I haven't posted anything that was even remotely out of line.....:troll:

Oh, wait.....:heh:

I wrote this letter and sent it to her via the WWE "fan mail" address that I found online. I included a pic of myself, as well as my phone number and e-mail address. Maybe she will respond, maybe she wont. But you never know unless you try....

Dear AJ,

Oh my little Geek Goddess, how I wish there was some way for us to meet. A way for me to look into your eyes and tell you this face to face: I want you here with me, if only for one night. I live day to day thinking of you. I picture in my mind everything about you, as if you were really here beside me. When I fall asleep I dream that you're firm, naked body is next to me and I can feel your young, olive skin underneath my hand. I dream of running my hands through your beautiful brown hair, down your back, and over every part of your firm, young backside. I want to share my insatiable desire with you.

How can I get close to you? I'm too shy to talk to you; so at this moment it feels safer to watch you from afar with no rejections. You have taken up residence in my heart. I want so badly for you to tell me everything I want to hear but you won't. I want you to tell me that you want me, but you won't. Every time I think of you I can feel the butterflies fluttering inside me. You don't notice me or the way I look at you; maybe it's 'cause you only see me as a fan and nothing more, but when I look at you, nothing can turn my eyes away.

At night I lay in bed and dream of you coming to my door, grabbing me in your muscular arms and kissing me. I dream of you and me lying side by side; running my hands down your supple chest, across your firm stomach ... feeling every inch of your chiseled abdominal muscles with my fingers. I imagine kissing you all over your amazing body. Whispering in your ear how badly I want you. I want you to hold me close and I want to hear your voice as you are in the throws of uncontrollable passion and pleasure. I imagine your muscular thighs wrapped around me. I fantasize of looking into your gorgeous brown eyes as I release my passion all over your firm round chest. And every time we touch; we would feel like we were the only two in existence. As we lay there, I would beg you to make love to me over and over.

But, as I sit here watching Smackdown fade to black, my heart sinks with it. My pain is my entire fault; when will I learn? You would never want me. I'm not perfect, handsome, or anyone important. I’m no 10 time WWE Champion or Money in the Bank winner. I have to let the dream of you and me go, for I am a man with an unrequited crush.

Yours Always and Forever,

Matt Black

And who could ever forget about....

My baby just made me say YES!!! :bryan: YES!!! :bryan: YES!!! :bryan:



Oh well..... :umad:


Jul 7, 2012
We can all joke and point to Matt, but remember he gave us this gem:

I believe AJ to be a real cool chick in real life. Not just because she is hot, but because I have heard from many reliable sources that she is a very good person with a good head on her shoulders. I also look up to her because she made her dreams of being a WWE superstar come true. I have been a pro wrestler on the small time indy circuit for almost 12 years. I was never able to reach the heights in my career that AJ has. I've never even come close to making it to the WWE. Seeing someone who is a genuine fan make her dream come true, seeing her start at the bottom just like me but accomplish something I couldn't...I know it sounds weird but I'm really happy for her and proud of her and I just don't want to see her lose it because of Cena. And I don't believe she is a slut at all, like I said: I got connections LOL I know people who know people LOL and they all say she is a genuine good person. Maybe I am being a little too serious about it, but I've seen bad stuff happen to real good people during my time in the biz. Just dont want to see it happen to her.
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