I do like that he plays smarter now (less reckless in the lane thus reducing the falls) but at the same time i miss the explosive part of his game. I still want him to drop a few pounds like Ray Allen did this year to ease off the pressure on his knees tho. Spo told Ray to drop 10 lbs and he did it and BAM Jesus is out there dunking on fools again.He's not as explosive ala Jordan 95-03 more so Jordan 95-98
He's hit that phase of his career where athleticism takes back seat to understanding (mental toughness) the game and out smarting your opponents.
His mechanics are still great (handle, jumper, floater, defense). As long as he's being asked to be the thee guy and his minutes are reduced he's going to be very effective.
By the way his handles isn't as good as it once was, tho. There was a time i'd go to war arguing Wade had the best handles in the league. Not anymore. I guess it all goes with age. As long as he finds ways to be productive