take aways from the scrimmage
James Jones and Rashard Lewis are still snipers
Bosh was aggressively attacking the basket and drawing fouls
Wade looked decent
Lebron went about 1-9
Cole finished at the rim and made his mid range jumpers
No Beasley, Oden, or Birdman
Speaking of Birdman, he far and away got the most reactions and loudest ovations for doing nothing
Don't take dates to ANY heat game brehs
James Jones and Rashard Lewis are still snipers
Bosh was aggressively attacking the basket and drawing fouls
Wade looked decent
Lebron went about 1-9
Cole finished at the rim and made his mid range jumpers
No Beasley, Oden, or Birdman
Speaking of Birdman, he far and away got the most reactions and loudest ovations for doing nothing
Don't take dates to ANY heat game brehs