Da Spice...
What the hell???
Report: Mavericks to target Chris Bosh in free agency
I don't want da band to break up mane.

What the hell???
Report: Mavericks to target Chris Bosh in free agency
They can try but it doesn't matter. Bosh already expressed that he wants to stay in Miami. I think winning is the biggest motivator for these guys and they have the best chance in Miami. He even learned Spanish in the off-season. If that doesn't say Miami for life, I don't know what does.What the hell???
Report: Mavericks to target Chris Bosh in free agency
There aren't any players of his caliber available next yearLove boshy but he's a max player, if he leaves we can sign.another max guy
I believe Bosh and Wade stay regardless of what Lebron decides.
The dream would be for Arison/Riley to some how get Lebron, Bosh, Wade, Beasley, Chalmers, Cole, and a Healthy(somewhat)) Greg Oden to all sign like 5 year deals and be the core of the team into the future
I know, that's why I said dream. To resign all of those guys, they ALL would have to take a pay cut. Beas, Chalmers, etc...Not unless Wade or Bosh takes a huge paycuts due to the upcoming luxury tax. Bosh definitely is not worth a max deal.