After This Father’s Day I’m Officially Cutting Ties With My Dad…GMB brehs


The Sword of Jesus of Nazareth
May 25, 2022
I tried to rekindle

I tried to open a space for a dialogue

Tried to get him into counseling so we could have a third party, but he refuses cause word got out about how things went south with my last therapist and because he just doesn’t fw it in general

But this is the last straw

His hypocrisy knows no fukking bounds

For 20+ years he’s always been on some slick shyt towards me. Years years ago he made a remark about me being gay in front of the whole family while we was watching Low Down Dirty shame and it was during the part where Waymon met up with the cac and all that carrying on and this fool gonna laugh and say “that’s Ricky”.

Everybody other than my mama, my grandmama and my ratchet ass uncle Damien laughed. But everyone else was so tickled. He knew that shyt bugged me, so for YEARS he kept insinuating shyt that I was gay despite the fact I was getting hoes in high school while his ass was a virgin until he met my mother.

So fast forward, my younger brother comes out as “bisexual” (not a real thing) and now all of a sudden he wants to be accepting of his son being a fukking fruit basket despite the fact he has done nothing worthy of praise in his life other then be a clerk at Chase for five years.

So as far as I’m concerned, if its nothing involving my son, I want nothing to do with him. I’m fukking done. I’m tired all the bullshyt and gaslighting about how I need to “reserve my role” as being the head of tbe family when all I get is disrespect from the family patriarch who despite his education and military experience STILL chooses to work for white people, yet always hollering why he feels disrespected as a man when it comes to my mama and that’s because she married his clownin ass out of pity. If I didn’t love my father I would been told him just to see his bytch ass crumble.

But I do. So I just let him continue living on with the facade that he’s the man of the house and not just a glorifed sperm donating housesitter.

General Mills

More often than not I tend to take that L.
May 1, 2012
Piffsburgh, PA
I tried to rekindle

I tried to open a space for a dialogue

Tried to get him into counseling so we could have a third party, but he refuses cause word got out about how things went south with my last therapist and because he just doesn’t fw it in general

But this is the last straw

His hypocrisy knows no fukking bounds

For 20+ years he’s always been on some slick shyt towards me. Years years ago he made a remark about me being gay in front of the whole family while we was watching Low Down Dirty shame and it was during the part where Waymon met up with the cac and all that carrying on and this fool gonna laugh and say “that’s Ricky”.

Everybody other than my mama, my grandmama and my ratchet ass uncle Damien laughed. But everyone else was so tickled. He knew that shyt bugged me, so for YEARS he kept insinuating shyt that I was gay despite the fact I was getting hoes in high school while his ass was a virgin until he met my mother.

So fast forward, my younger brother comes out as “bisexual” (not a real thing) and now all of a sudden he wants to be accepting of his son being a fukking fruit basket despite the fact he has done nothing worthy of praise in his life other then be a clerk at Chase for five years.

So as far as I’m concerned, if its nothing involving my son, I want nothing to do with him. I’m fukking done. I’m tired all the bullshyt and gaslighting about how I need to “reserve my role” as being the head of tbe family when all I get is disrespect from the family patriarch who despite his education and military experience STILL chooses to work for white people, yet always hollering why he feels disrespected as a man when it comes to my mama and that’s because she married his clownin ass out of pity. If I didn’t love my father I would been told him just to see his bytch ass crumble.

But I do. So I just let him continue living on with the facade that he’s the man of the house and not just a glorifed sperm donating housesitter.
Aiyo that’s fukked up!!



Mar 11, 2022
Years years ago he made a remark about me being gay in front of the whole family while we was watching Low Down Dirty shame and it was during the part where Waymon met up with the cac and all that carrying on and this fool gonna laugh and say “that’s Ricky”.

Everybody other than my mama, my grandmama and my ratchet ass uncle Damien laughed. But everyone else was so tickled. He knew that shyt bugged me, so for YEARS he kept insinuating shyt that I was gay despite the fact I was getting hoes in high school while his ass was a virgin until he met my mother.
:francis: Damn bruh. Besides the Coli, your father calling you out?

These gay threads are starting to look like a projection at this point.

You fighting demons