After my cut...I'm going for it brehs.


RIP Future Gohan
Jan 20, 2014
Swole Gang
Even the most remote chance of gyno keeps me from even considering it

Also, prefering an athletic build over a jacked build

If I could just take a steroid to make my chest bigger and nothing else Id be all about it:lolbron:. Time takes too long:ohhh:
But it's the time we put in that makes it worth it and why we got this physique and other don't.


RIP Future Gohan
Jan 20, 2014
Swole Gang
How tall are you and where are you physique wise now? What training program are you on? Have you been making gains on it? How's your sleep and diet? If you aren't 100% dialed in, you should focus on getting there first.....

Plus IDK... fixating on body weights just seems kinda backwards to me. What kind of weight are you moving in the gym? How are your joints? Etc. etc. IMO focusing on the destination instead of the journey is missing the whole point of this fitness shyt. I mean I want to cut and keep getting stronger, and I have a goal weight in mind (180, I'm 5' 9"). But my goal weight is based on me staying healthy and being able to still be athletic and agile. 230... unless you are like 6' 6" that shyt's gonna take a toll on your heart and just be a PITA. And say u get there. Lean 230. Then what? Does the journey end?

IDK man just think about it on a deep level.
Real talk tho. Does the Journey end? What is left to achieve? I feel like that emptiness will be there when you hit your goal and realize you didn't take the time to enjoy the journey. Like most things I feel like fitness and weightlifting is one of those things you get into for specific reason, maybe you wanna impress some hos, or maybe you wanna lose some weight but in the end it becomes a hobby and something you can't live without. Honestly I feel like I'm addicted to the progress I feel when I lift more weight than before and that euphoric feeling after you do a hard deadlift or squat. I feel like the greatest guy in the world when I get done with working out. And I love it that's why I feel like even when I'm like 80 years old I'ma still be in the gym lol. Maybe I'm addicted.

TLR Is Mental Poison

The Coli Is Not For You
May 3, 2012
The Opposite Of Elliott Wilson's Mohawk
Real talk tho. Does the Journey end? What is left to achieve? I feel like that emptiness will be there when you hit your goal and realize you didn't take the time to enjoy the journey. Like most things I feel like fitness and weightlifting is one of those things you get into for specific reason, maybe you wanna impress some hos, or maybe you wanna lose some weight but in the end it becomes a hobby and something you can't live without. Honestly I feel like I'm addicted to the progress I feel when I lift more weight than before and that euphoric feeling after you do a hard deadlift or squat. I feel like the greatest guy in the world when I get done with working out. And I love it that's why I feel like even when I'm like 80 years old I'ma still be in the gym lol. Maybe I'm addicted.

If it is an addiction, it's at least a somewhat healthy addiction (if u eat well and keep ur weight under control as a result of it). For me lifting is largely about having an active lifestyle with aesthetics and shyt as a side benefit. Playing around with juice undermines a lot of that
May 1, 2012
And what makes you so sure you did it right? Have your passed the time frame for when you could possibly experience repercussions?

who said i did anything?

anyway...doctors prescribe AAS for a variety of reasons...and if done right...with the right pct (post cycle therapy)....its not that dangerous...but like any 'drug' there are possible side-effects

the problem with 'gear' is that its addictive (not like crack)...but the results and the strength is addictive and people dont want to stop...and they abuse it...and dont take the proper precautions....:manny:
Last edited:


I gave her D she got mad
Jul 9, 2014
Stupid. After you pass your genetic threshold extra muscle doesn't do anything but cause problems for you. Having 100 extra pounds of muscle puts just as much stress on your heart as 100 pounds of fat. Working out should be about health/performing at your best 24/7.

I would never harm my health and performing ability for cosmetic reasons. Straight up phaggotry. Muscles don't make you tough, don't get you girls. The might get you money if you choose that route, but they most likely won't. Won't do shyt for you at all actually. Shows dedication but if you're lacking in other areas of life just makes you look dumb.


I gave her D she got mad
Jul 9, 2014
who said i did anything?

anyway...doctors prescribe AAS for a variety of reasons...and if done right...with the right pct (post cycle therapy)....its not that dangerous...but like any 'drug' there are possible side-effects

the problem with 'gear' is that its addictive (not like crack)...but the results and the strength is addictive and people dont want to stop...and they abuse it...and dont take the proper precautions....:manny:
So taking testosterone/hgh, and then taking a bunch of other medications to suppress estrogen/normalize hormone levels isn't dangerous? Pumping your body full of low grade synthetic chemicals that you know nothing about isn't dangerous?

Only people who claim steroid use isn't dangerous are roid heads. And even the roid heads tell people to be careful. Doctors prescribe all kinda of dangerous medicine. Do you realize doctors basically prescribe meth to people right now? Opiates too. Doesn't mean that shyt won't fukk you up. Especially when you're doing street grade stuff

Exiled Martian

Was young I couldn't do good, now I can't do Bad
Sep 13, 2013
Swag-hili Shores
I'm turning to the dark side.

I'm going to hop on the juice.

Some of you might have read my posts and saw that I mentioned it here and there, but I'm making this thread to see if there's anyone here who could give me some sound advice with regards to research.

For starters, I've already been looking into my family's history. Apparently baldness doesn't run in our family, so that's a good start. :obama:

I've been doing a little research already, but I feel like I could be doing a lot more in that regard. That in mind, I think I'm going to start with something basic. Even with assistance, I'm thinking slow and steady. :manny:

All that said, any advice on further research? Where should I turn? Books? Etc.

Hope I don't get banned/negged for this thread. :lupe:


Don't do it fam, them Glute shots ain't worth it. In the long run you going to end up doing you're body more harm than good! I got manz over here moaning about struggling to get wood with their wifeys & making mad sporadic tantrums in public over the lack of skittles in the packets & other minute silly shyte!

If the above doesn't sway you, then observe a most recent case in point below;

We are very sad to report that just yesterday on August 17th, 2014, long time family friend Mel Chancy announced on Facebook that Mike Matarazzo had died in the Stanford hospital while waiting for a heart transplant.

The Former IFBB Pro bodybuilder had been suffering from heart problems ever since he had open heart surgery in 2004. He was admitted into intensive care due to heart complications and unfortunately passed away on Saturday, August 16, 2014. He was 48 years old.


Quote from Mike Matarazzo via Wikipedia:

Oh, god, where do I begin? I'd have to say that everything that led to my heart problem began the minute I started getting serious about competitive bodybuilding. In order to get bigger, I'd eat five, six, seven pounds of red meat a day, no vegetables. And I'd stay away from fruits because of their sugar. Worst were the chemicals. I have so many memories of being alone in a hotel room the week, five days or two days before a contest, and doing unspeakable things to my body—steroids, growth hormones, diuretics—anything and everything that we as body-builders do to achieve a certain look.

It has affected my whole life, so to all those guys who are on an eternal quest to have 21" arms and 20" calves, and who are so vain about their never-say-die attitude, I say, "Change your attitude." Worry about keeping that body of yours as healthy as possible, because it's going to have to last you not just through your next contest or to the end of your bodybuilding contract, but for a long time. And a long time for a human being is nothing. It goes by real quick, even quicker when your health is gone and you have nothing to stand live for.


Obituaries of so many big names casualties of AAS & all sorts: Benaziza, Munzer, Schmidt, El-Sonbaty, Teufel, the Mentzer brothers, deMayo, Kovacs etc etc

To conclude bruv anything is a personal battle, an individual quest for not only accomplishment but more importantly the character that develops from the striving for a thing. Compare yourself to yourself fam, maintain personal integrity, and value your mortal God-given life by treasuring your loved ones and yourself. A few pounds on a bar or on a scale for maybe 5-10 years is not worth the loss of self-respect and precious moments with those you love.
May 1, 2012
So taking testosterone/hgh, and then taking a bunch of other medications to suppress estrogen/normalize hormone levels isn't dangerous? Pumping your body full of low grade synthetic chemicals that you know nothing about isn't dangerous?

Only people who claim steroid use isn't dangerous are roid heads. And even the roid heads tell people to be careful. Doctors prescribe all kinda of dangerous medicine. Do you realize doctors basically prescribe meth to people right now? Opiates too. Doesn't mean that shyt won't fukk you up. Especially when you're doing street grade stuff

May 1, 2012

Don't do it fam, them Glute shots ain't worth it. In the long run you going to end up doing you're body more harm than good! I got manz over here moaning about struggling to get wood with their wifeys & making mad sporadic tantrums in public over the lack of skittles in the packets & other minute silly shyte!

If the above doesn't sway you, then observe a most recent case in point below;


Quote from Mike Matarazzo via Wikipedia:


Obituaries of so many big names casualties of AAS & all sorts: Benaziza, Munzer, Schmidt, El-Sonbaty, Teufel, the Mentzer brothers, deMayo, Kovacs etc etc

To conclude bruv anything is a personal battle, an individual quest for not only accomplishment but more importantly the character that develops from the striving for a thing. Compare yourself to yourself fam, maintain personal integrity, and value your mortal God-given life by treasuring your loved ones and yourself. A few pounds on a bar or on a scale for maybe 5-10 years is not worth the loss of self-respect and precious moments with those you love.

breh nothing wrong with what youre saying here...but the amount of roids/gh a pro is using would be nowhere near what the avg joe would be using....the money investment alone would preclude that testimonial the cat also said he was eating 5 pounds of red meat a day...say that out loud 5 pounds of red meat a day....i think that might have a big reason to do with his heart being bad too

im not advocating anybody to do anything....people will do what they want just saying with a little forethought...and planning you can atleast make it a little less dangerous....


American Weirdo
May 23, 2012
Stupid. After you pass your genetic threshold extra muscle doesn't do anything but cause problems for you. Having 100 extra pounds of muscle puts just as much stress on your heart as 100 pounds of fat. Working out should be about health/performing at your best 24/7.

I would never harm my health and performing ability for cosmetic reasons. Straight up phaggotry. Muscles don't make you tough, don't get you girls. The might get you money if you choose that route, but they most likely won't. Won't do shyt for you at all actually. Shows dedication but if you're lacking in other areas of life just makes you look dumb.


*fist bump*
May 13, 2012
Hard Work. Dedication!

You can do wonders with your physique naturally breh, you can get big and defined naturally! Read up, tighten your diet and grind and you will get it.