Looks more pardo
Brazilian racial identity is strange to me
But that body is
Looks more pardo
I'm done
fukk this thread. Slim sistas with medium-long natural hair? Advantageous exchange rate fukk everybody in this thread.
I'm a sucker for long hair. That real stuff
I gotta cosign, Portuguese sounds terrible, especially European PortugueseIt's such an ugly language but I'd settle for the sake of our love
Language barrier is the main issue.
Also what is the point of posting these pretty brazilian broads? Pretty broads are everywhere you go.
What is the point of the constant ugly ass white women posted?
You are lying. I said brazilian women who hang out in tourist areas are there for that reason, go back and read.
i find continental portuguese to be beautiful in its stilted eleganceI gotta cosign, Portuguese sounds terrible, especially European Portuguese
my hometown has hella portuguese so the portuguese im used to hearing isi find continental portuguese to be beautiful in its stilted elegance
but if you find this ugly
my hometown has hella portuguese so the portuguese im used to hearing is
But brazilian jazz and bosso nova
new bedford? fall river? else in new england?my hometown has hella portuguese so the portuguese im used to hearing is
But brazilian jazz and bosso nova
can i join in lol :itried:
Mercy! Have Mercy!
Not a tattoo anywhere. That is what USA Black women used to look like. Wow!!!!
you black leave it to beaver types kill me
tattoos are probably more common in brazil than the US
Half of these women are mulattas.
Why don't y'all drool your own women the way you do everybody elses? This thread only serve as a reminder that Af-Am men are a joke.