Just now replying due to getting my computer fixed.
These groups were far more hostile to Europeans than the typical African tribes.
Wait? What? The Tainos were noted to be some of the friendliest people when Columbus first encountered them. They were willingly to share everything with him and his group of men until it was too late. Unlike Africans, they didn't put up much of a fight and was wiped out. Even today there are hardly any traces of Taino DNA in modern Caribbean populations.
Second, I remember watching how a Mayan king just willingly let Herman Cortez into his palace, and there that was when Herman and his men easily betrayed the king.
Thirdly, northern Native American tribes let the settlers play divide and conquer. The Thanksgiving story anyone? It was only until very late around the industrial revolution when we start to see Native Americans really trying to fight against settlers expanding west, but by that time it was far to late. Not even that you had Native American groups like the Cherokee who willingly tried to assimilate, and they were called the "civilized tribes" by whites.
We can also go on with the indigenous people of Australia and the whole of the Pacific who had this same problem. In reality Africans faired much better than the indigenous people of the Americas.
Like I said it has more to do with naiveness. Which again was more noted with coastal West Africans and Africans of the interior. EVEN SO you still have Africans of the interior like Queen Nzinga who fought heavily against the Portuguese. Then you had the Zulus who were said to be brutal against Europeans. I remember reading or watching a Zulu king where there was a meeting of peace between the Zulus and British. Instead of doing what the British wanted, the Zulu king had them executed. Like I said my memory of it isn't to fond, but I remember something of that nature.
Tons of African countries were colonies and yet no infrastructure was built. Not sure how Whites civilizing Whites is relevant in this instance?
First off the Romans viewed Northern Europeans as inferior(same way the colonizer viewed Africans). More so than the blacks of the South. And the concept of "white" we know today did not exist back then. This is what the Romans thought of the Britons...
“They are the most ignorant people I have ever conquered. They cannot be taught music.” Cicero, in writing to his friend Atticus, advised him not to buy slaves in England, “because,” said he, “they cannot be taught to read, and are the ugliest and most stupid race I ever saw.”
Cicero: The Britons Are too Stupid to Make Good Slaves
And yet the Romans tried to develop Briton, the same way the Moors developed Iberia. Even so Iberia was apart of the Caliphate and then the Almoravid Kingdom.
Another case is the non-European Ottoman Empire developing Greece and the Balkans. Or better yet how about Rome rebuilding Carthage? Who were one of their biggest enemies. See we're I'm getting at?
As for Europe hardly building infrastructure in Africa? That is true, but Europe at that time mostly viewed Africa as just a treasure chest for resources and not an extension of their empires like the different ones I mentioned.
They had a little skirmish because they were begging the British to help them...kind of fits into my larger point
Didn't they want help against the Italians?