The Wall Is Undefeated!
Changa's Safari by Milton J Davis
A Historical Fantasy novel set in the 15th century. Changa is an exiled warrior Kongo prince who was sold into slavery by an evil sorcerer called Usenge. There he was forced to fight in the fighting pits. Over time he gains his freedom and becomes a Swahili merchant sailor with his own crew. From there he goes on adventures of trade and battles.
There are 5 books, one of them being a prequel. I've got 3 of them. Think of it like an 'African Sinbad'. A fun read.
Milton J Davis writes a lot of Speculative fiction with an African twist. Seek him out.
The author made a graphic novel of part of the story.
On their way to establish a new trading opportunity, Changa and his crew rescue a Yemeni prince carrying a valuable object from mysterious pursuers. The adventure leads to a world changing confrontation with a powerful sorcerer bent on using the object to change the world. Book one of the comic adaptation of Changa's Safari.
@Swahili P'Bitek, @Secure Da Bag, @Turk, @.r. , @Neuromancer , @CubanVoodooBreh, @humminbird, @pete clemenza