What an L this shyt turned out to be.
Nikkas thought they were gonna get rich by gambling on fake internet money and then they tried to flip it as if it was a benefit to the community. The fact that we were proud of being the top sucker is honestly sad.
We have to look at it from the perspective of the people who aren't all that knowledgeable about investing,
There were people that preyed on the ignorance of our people and for that, they're terrible people.
I don't blame the ones who don't know, I blame the people who knew they were on the come up and
exploited people.
I knew Crypto was some bullshyt when my Elderly mother started asking about it because many people she knew had
been speaking about Crypto but had never earnestly invested in anythin, there's that and my ex-gals weed dealing best
friends were going on about the fortunes they were going to amass with Crypto despite having never really made an earnest
attempt at asset accumulation.
I knew it was reaching critical mass levels of stupid like the stock market last year when every jackass was talking about buying
any random company for no discernible reason other than "someone else said it!!".
Both styles/types of "investing" relied on word of mouth, no real analysis and the hope that the asset would have astronomical
growth and they'd sell it the second this mystical "growth" manifested. Some heartless people made off like bandits.