Change is inevitable...
I had cats that never had a portfolio in their life telling me that I was missing out on crypto and I don't know what I'm talking about 


Sound have been your first clue.I had cats that never had a portfolio in their life telling me that I was missing out on crypto and I don't know what I'm talking about
That said, surveys show that Black investors got into crypto with gusto, but late. Black Americans were much less likely than their white counterparts to have heard of cryptocurrencies in the early days, let alone to have invested in them
Because Black investors piled into the crypto market at or near its most recent top, many of those investors are now in the red.
Doesn't every single cent earned in Crypto come from someone else who invested in Crypto? So the entire net gain of all Crypto investors is zero.
Thus pointing out that more Black folk have invested in Crypto doesn't tell you anything about whether or not the Black community has had a net gain. Were the initial investors, the ones who have made the most, primarily Black? Were the first big whales all Black? Or have Black folk been more likely to have come on more recently? Then there are all the sketch coins - Floyd and Khaled promoted Centra which turned out to be a scam, Floyd and Pierce pushed Ethereummax along with Kardashian and company which looks like bullshyt, GuapCoin has lost money for years, Soulja Boy was paid to push SafeMars, T.I. was fined $75,000 for the FLiK scam, Jamie Foxx pushed Cobinhood which died completely, The Game pushed Paragon which went completely bankrupt.
If Black folk were the biggest early adopters and whales, then the community has come out ahead. But if Black folk are primarily smaller and later investors, then they've simply been a tool that has enriched the real power players.
How is that any different from gambling or playing the lotto or getting involved in any other scam?
In a pyramid scam or a ponzi scheme, somebody makes money. If you're lucky enough to get in early and out early, then you profit. But outside of the scammers themselves, MOST people lose money. That's how it works - the people who hit the lick early only make that money cause they convinced other people to invest after them and then sold high. They got paid off of your buck they convinced you to put in, then they sold while telling you to hold.
Why not? Because Black folk chasing schemes and scams kills black wealth over time. You don't build wealth in the black community by convincing a bunch of people to throw money in late just so the people who threw money in early can make a buck off of you. Saitama is down 60-80% since this thread was made, so wealth was lost by convincing people to throw money in during this thread's entire lifetime.
The stock market is based on underlying value and improves in value over time. Meme coins are essentially a pyramid scheme that relies on marks buying late so the OGs can cash out early.
The fact that anyone would even equate them is why i posted.
By "super early", meaning ideally before it's even popular. And even then you have to cash out at the right time.
Crypto currency with underlying value in transactions can gain in true value over time, though they're subject to huge swings and can potentially crash with regulatory changes. Crypto based on celebrities or memes is just a scam with a few winners and a lot of losers.
As I pointed out last year, there's basically three types of people who gain the profits from Crypto:
1. The early adopters who put in their money on the right ones years ago and know to cash out before it drops
2. The whales who can manipulate the Crypto markets in their favor
3. Investors with inside or other superior info who can play the ups and downs in the market better than anyone else
On the other hand, there are three types losing money on Crypto, who are paying all the money that goes to that first group's profits.
1. The late adopters who are only just now putting in money, basically paying off the winners as they cash out
2. The folk who hold too long and fail to cash out and realize their gains
3. Investors working solely with public info who are reacting to the market and thus always behind it
(That doesn't include, of course, all the people who keep dumping money into new coins and schemes and other bullshyt, who are basically just funding scammers.)
Anyone who wants to make a rational decision should calculate whether they're in the first group or the second group. If you're in the second group then it's not investing, it's just gambling - you're hoping that you get lucky even though the odds are against you and you have no real reason for hope. If you're just playing a game that's fine, but if this is money you need, why would you fukk around like that?