Ashanti is to Akan as Creole is to AA. They are Subgroups or Tribes if you will.
The definition of Ethnic group = Group of people who share similar experiences, traditions, languages, etc.
For example.
A BiRacial Person is Not Black, they are BiRacial.
But a BiRacial person could be AA, they could be Hispanic, they could be Arab, etc.
With the AA ethnic group, a White Person could not be an AA because their history in this country is different than that of the AA group, and they have always been separated. They wouldn't have been a Slave at the same time as an AA, they were not victims of Jim Crow, etc.
A Biracial person on the other hand could have been a Slave, Been a victim of Jim Crow, and has a Black (African) Parent, thus they were cultural brought up in the same culture as other AAs.
I do see the AADOS who came before me as my Ancestors though since we are all Africans/black and I have ancestral cousins who were brought to the Americas AND me being born in the USA means I inherit the issues of all AADOS (they not giving me a pass because of where my parents are from, Black is black to a white supremacist), so with that I honor the AADOS who came before me. AADOS may consider me an 'immigrant' but I'm not really concerned because under a system of White Supremacy I'm black and a victim.

Stuff like this is exactly why non native Blacks should not be invited to speak on our history. No offense @xoxodede Well intentions are admirable.
But more than not they speak out of turn by inserting their own narratives(usually biased) into the equation,and it usually begins a convoluted,distorted mess!!
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