Africa must forgo gas exploration to avert climate disaster, warn experts


Gor bu dëgër
Jun 5, 2018
Africa must forgo gas exploration to avert climate disaster, warn experts

Call comes after former UN climate envoy urged African countries to exploit their natural gas reserves

People cross flooded fields after a cyclone in Madagascar. Africa has endured some of the heaviest impacts of the climate crisis. Photograph: Alexander Joe/AP

Africa must embrace renewable energy, and forgo exploration of its potentially lucrative gas deposits to stave off climate disaster and bring access to clean energy to the hundreds of millions who lack it, leading experts on the continent have said.

Their call came as the UN secretary general, António Guterres, warned that exploring for gas and oil anywhere in the world would be “delusional”.

Several African leaders are considering pushing for new investment in exploration as gas prices around the world soar. Some European countries are also eager to provide such investment to replace supplies from Russia.

Last week, Mary Robinson, a former president of Ireland, UN commissioner for human rights and UN climate envoy, stoked controversy when she backed an expansion, saying African countries should exploit their gas reserves.

She said the gas should be used within the continent for clean cooking and power generation for the 600 million people who lacked access to power and the 900 million who were cooking on biomass or dirty oil, rather than exported for profit.

Mohamed Adow, the director of the Power Shift Africa thinktank and 2020 winner of the Climate Breakthrough prize, said Robinson was wrong.

“For Africans to achieve the lives of dignity that energy access should bring, we cannot rely on the failed system of the last 200 years. We must leapfrog our thinking and make the investment into distributed renewable energy systems that won’t poison our rivers, pollute our air, choke our lungs and profit only a few,” he told the Guardian.

Making a distinction between voices from the west and those from Africa, he said: “Climate justice champions who actually live in Africa are very clear that we want access to energy for everyone – but equally we do not want to lock in climate catastrophe for everyone.”

He was joined by Nnimmo Bassey, the director of the Health of Mother Earth Foundation in Nigeria. “Decades of oil and gas extraction on the continent has fed foreign markets and only muddied the water, built violence, and left the people in the cold and in the dark,” he said, highlighting the experience of Nigeria, the Niger Delta and Mozambique, characterised by pollution and profiteering by a few while local people remained impoverished.

He accused political leaders of ignoring these concerns: “Sadly, African politicians acting as middlemen to transnational corporations are happy to parrot this song despite local resistance and the realities of ecocide in the fossil fuel fields.”

Omar Elmawi, a coordinator at the StopEACOP campaign in east Africa, said: “Decades after exploiting fossil fuels in Africa, we have yet to improve energy poverty and countries have continued to drown themselves in unsustainable loans taken because of the promise of fossil fuel revenues.

“Corporations registered in the global north have continued to benefit from these dirty fossil fuels in Africa and all we are left with are the impacts on our people, nature and the climate.”

The issue of gas in Africa is likely to prove a flashpoint at the Cop27 UN climate summit this November in Egypt. Robinson’s views, first expressed in an interview with the Guardian, sparked a row at UN climate talks in Bonn, where countries have held meetings over the past fortnight in preparatory negotiations for Cop27.

Several African countries are thought to want to use Cop27 to argue for the continent to be allowed to exploit its gas, taking advantage of the fossil fuel bonanza that has followed Russia’s invasion of Ukraine. Egypt is sympathetic, with the finance minister, Mohamed Maait, telling an audience in the City of London recently that poor countries must not be “punished”.

However, Guterres made clear in a speech on Tuesday morning at the Austrian World Summit in Vienna that no new fossil fuels should receive investment.

He said: “New funding for fossil fuel exploration and production infrastructure is delusional. It will only further feed the scourge of war, pollution and climate catastrophe. The only true path to energy security, stable power prices, prosperity and a liveable planet lies in abandoning polluting fossil fuels, especially coal, and accelerating the renewables-based energy transition.”

He did not refer to Africa specifically but indicated the continent was included, by adding: “Renewables are the peace plan of the 21st century. Cheaper, more reliable and fairer energy options are already available in the shape of wind and solar. This is true for all regions.”

He called for a tripling of investment in renewables, the removal of red tape that blocked wind and solar projects and for more of the underlying technology to be made available for use in poor countries through the sharing of intellectual property known as technology transfer.


Hale End
Jan 17, 2013
The Arsenal
:scust: Typical...European nations bootstrapped themselves on fossil fuels, now they want to hit the :whoa:when Africa wants to come up.
i look at it like crypto. early adopters got paid, those who came late to the party are food. just because europe got their come up doesn't mean it's time to get yours when all the damage is done and only a select few people on the continent would benefit from this while the climate has its way with the rest. now if you could guarantee that these govts would put the money into a sovereign wealth fund for their people like norway then it might be worth the risk.

Adeptus Astartes

Loyal servant of the God-Brehmperor
Sep 15, 2019
Imperium of Man
lower learning
Oh, fukk off. African nations should be able to exploit its resources however it likes without foreign meddling.

If foreigners want these nations not to exploit their own fossil fuel energy, they need to pay them not to, as well as train their populations to build and maintain these renewables.


Fast Money & Foreign Objects
May 21, 2012
Oh, fukk off. African nations should be able to exploit its resources however it likes without foreign meddling.

If foreigners want these nations not to exploit their own fossil fuel energy, they need to pay them not to, as well as train their populations to build and maintain these renewables.

no, fukk you

that's a lot of lower learning

why should Africa continue to make the same mistakes the "developed world" has made and even committed in Africa

as it is "exploiting resources" has massively f'd up the environment in Africa far outweighing any benefit
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Gor bu dëgër
Jun 5, 2018
Oh, fukk off. African nations should be able to exploit its resources however it likes without foreign meddling.

If foreigners want these nations not to exploit their own fossil fuel energy, they need to pay them not to, as well as train their populations to build and maintain these renewables.
Thing is, it's Africans saying that in the article, not Westerners (even though it's one of their typical narratives).

I agree with you that Africa should do what it wants but:
  • The exploitation of polluting natural resources hasn't lifted the population out of poverty due to corruption
  • Most African nations that want to exploit these resources need partnerships with foreigners to help them do so anyways
So considering these two points, why add to the issue by fukking up the African environment? For money the people are not seeing? When we know adverse climate events are going to hit the continent the hardest?

Nevertheless, you're absolutely right that the West should pay up and invest in clean energy on the continent. They pledged to do it and failed to deliver.

Secure Da Bag

Dec 20, 2017
funny cacs destroyed the planet but africans MUST not do the same to enrich themselves huh???:mjpls: if the earth is doomed why do the cacs care now??? :manny:

It would at least hold more weight if they actually met their goals and actually listened to scientists on what actually should be done.

I'm all for Africa embracing renewables. But I'm for Africa creating those renewables themselves and not be forced to buy them off of everyone else.


All Star
Jun 7, 2012
I'm all for Africa getting theirs, but what will the demand look like in 10 years vs the investment this will take? If I'm starting ground zero right now,I would go with renewables. Without all the headache of old systems you could be the world leader pretty quickly.


Nov 19, 2016
Naija / DMV
LNG as a bridge fuel ain’t going away any time soon so African countries should continue to exploit those gas resources.

You’re not going to industrialize on renewables plain and simple. And what Africa needs is industrialization. Anyone saying anything else is cappin.

And this coming from someone who was born, lived and schooled in Nigeria and have traveled the continent.

Renewables like solar and wind are good for retail and adding some cleaner energy to your mix, but you are not going to empower the entire continent with it.

What African countries need to focus on is securing the tech (eg Gas turbines etc) and technical know how to explore and exploit the gas resources. In the future Western nations will start blocking sales of fossil fuel tech and expertise. Already doing it in some countries.
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