I don't always endorse Jason Black's methods, but Africans need to ask themselves: WTF happened?
Nkrumah, the South African boycott, Cheikh Anta Diop, the Ethiopian Airforce quietly recruiting AAs to build their air force, and then in turn training pilots of newly independent countries despite their

to this point: a bunch of new Africans in the diaspora who can create nothing for even themselves in their new country or the old.
Since y'all love your ethnics or imported religions so much why don't y'all rally round them to build something like the other immigrants? With the education and connections of the Africans they let into the US(we know they're very selective about those they let set foot in the USA) Africans should be on some next level type ish. All them African nurses, y'all should have a vice grip on old folks homes and outpatient care like dem other folks have on liquor stores. You love education so much and claim to love your "culture" so much, so where's the equivalent of the Chinese and Japanese study centers for your kids? Or dwights are going to teach your children to respect African culture ?
My God, all the damn Ifa worshipers on the intanets are AAs, Brazilians, and even Puerto Ricans. Not one African will admit they worship Ifa anonymously on the internet.
My Africans, WTF happened to y'all. Sunken place?