All the while they have a White 1 percenter American president in their back pocket. They playing chess while we playing candy landNot as a whole. Even today, Ukrainian speaking Russians are killing Russian-speaking Ukrainians.
All the while they have a White 1 percenter American president in their back pocket. They playing chess while we playing candy landNot as a whole. Even today, Ukrainian speaking Russians are killing Russian-speaking Ukrainians.
And yet no counter.
You got Islamic ass Zanzibar and Christian Tanganyika... Two areas with totally different ethnic groups working together to successful form "Tanzania" since its independence.
The countries I listed for the most part curbed out tribalism.
Yugoslavians were engaging in tribalism before the war. You trying to make their case different from Africans is futile. Not only that but people from that SAME AREA too were selling their own people to the Arabs lol!
Not only that but Native Americans too were engaging in tribalism. Hell, I was reading a book on how one of the Native tribes sided with the American government AGAINST the Gullahs and their Native allies. Lets not even get started with the Cherokees and the rest of those "civilized nation."
Brother... Let me as you... WHICH Africans are you referring to who don't consider themselves African? Are you referring to a racist ass Somali or a confused ass North Sudanese? Or a true "Negroid" Bantus like Tanzanians, Ugandans, Kenyans, or Rwandans? Because the latter Africans don't need terms such as "Black" to know they are Africans.If they did then why aren't they explicitly stating it?
A lot of times when implied "blackness" is placed upon the African he refuses to accept it and yells out a tribe or country
Imagine blonde haired, blue eyeddevilwhite person saying: I'm not white i'm swedish!
"Swallowing up" or simply intermarriage? I don't see the similarity with consolidation by war which the leads to a nation. What nation with strong identity-formation have the Hausa spearheaded from this supposed consolidation?
Neither have you.
You're not even American, you're a previously banned poster trying to cause decent among blacks of all ilk on the Coli.
You're literally a fakkitand a troll.
You're only still here because I haven't pulled the trigger. :diesel:
Truth is, I've heard a ton of TBA and he just doesn't know enough about african history or its affairs.
To declare that africa has no return home policy like isreal when Ghana has had a right to abode policy for the past 20 plus years is just exposing how uninformed he is. Then he suggest any policy has "huge loopholes" when all the Ghana right to abode policy say is, be over the age of 18, have a source of income, and don't be someone who broke out of jail, if that is the case you can set up shop in ghana. And I personally know entire families who have done so and I am currently stacking money to do so myself.
Many misrepresent pan africanism as a back to africa movement and that is not what it was. Setting up shop in an african country is simply benefiting from the resources from your homeland as all other immigrants who set up shop in the black community has done. We are getting our ass kicked in business because while Hispanics indians and Asians come over here and sell toothpaste for a dollar we have to sell toothpaste for 4 dollars because we manufacture here in this expensive ass land. Hell the companies like walgreens Walmart etc ship there business over seas too. Turn over any product in your home it's made in China. We losing trying to be all about america.
TbA don't know enough about african history and instead of admitting that, he shuns topics he is misinformed about. It's why he doesn't like historical debates, why he throws shade on pan african ideology and what's worst is the audacity to speak like c00ning is isolated to the african continent as if the vast majority of blacks here in america is not on some c00n shyt?
It's c00n and conscious on all lands occupied by us, that is what happens when you are subjected to an oppressive system that dominates us economically politically and socially and eradicate our ability to maximize our earning potential and own our talents and be equal competitors in the open market. We in america really can't speak entitled and speak down on any other people anywhere not when we in america c00ning like we are.
But it has not been so simple for African-Americans and Caribbeans in Ghana. Only Rita Marley, wife of late reggae icon Bob Marley, has been granted the indefinite stay, and that happened only last year. Those who applied years ago are yet to receive any response from the interior ministry, whose charter states that the process should take only six months.
What are you asking precisely from this question? I previously mentioned the Sokoto Caliphate. Arguably, the Nigerian state is clandestinely utilizing the Hausa langauge to consolidate the idea of "the North".
Ex. The Nigerian Military is now attempting to use Hausa as its langauge...
Are you going to say anything about @Poitier saying Africans have "c00n genetics"?
C'mon fam. You know this is a reach
And I asked because you're talking like the Hausa is a national identity like the English. Its a silly comparison when "consolidation" means two different things for both groups.
Did I say Africans? this trait can be found among individuals all over the diaspora... you're Jamaican punkass is a prime example of this![]()
Motherfukkers still can't get my heritage rightyou're Jamaican punkass is a prime example of this![]()
Once again. Zero counters. And what about Ghana? Fact is there was never no huge civil wars in Ghana. Even if there is tribalism in Ghana it is nothing on the level of what we see in places like Nigeria or South Sudan. Next...Fam, you listed Ghana. That tells me everything I need to know.
Using Tanzania and Zanzibar as a crutch does nothing.
nikka, again this is just you moving the goal post yet again when it comes to non-Africans vs Africans. Native Americans were NOT all wiped out. Especially not those in mainland USA.This is dumb.
Native Americans were wiped out before they could realize the folly of their poor decision making.
through their country, burning forty towns and destroying crops.The Revolution split the Iroquois Confederacy. Mohawks led by Joseph Brant adhered to their long-standing allegiance to the British, and eventually most Cayugas, Onondagas, and Senecas joined them. But Oneidas and Tuscaroras sided with the Americans, owing in large measure to the efforts of their Presbyterian missionary Samuel Kirkland. The Revolution became a civil war for the Iroquois, as Oneidas clashed with Senecas at the Battle of Oriskany in 1777. Iroquois sufferings were compounded in 1779 when General John Sulliva led an American army
Fact is Native Americans were victims of tribalism too and the behavior you describe with Africans.How is this anything like the diaspora continued to engage in poor decision making despite not being wiped out?
The Yugoslavia example is a huge reach, too. No, Yugoslavia was not doing anything that could be described as analogous to what was happening and still happening in Africa.
what coli detectives you hired, breh?
Name the alias if you think I'm that user, breh.
Are you going to say anything about @Poitier saying Africans have "c00n genetics"? is that not causing ill among black folks?
And being a sexual predator to black women on here?
Poitier - Black Male Activist?, Black Female Protagonist? Or Threat To Us All?
Nah you fukking won't.
You can't pull the trigger because your job isn't to be an emotional dictator banning every little thing you don't like, you're supposed to be a MODERATOR.
Once again. Zero counters. And what about Ghana? Fact is there was never no huge civil wars in Ghana. Even if there is tribalism in Ghana it is nothing on the level of what we see in places like Nigeria or South Sudan. Next...
Fam, if you're going to attempt to patronize.....don't do it to someone who knows more about the subject you're trying to patronize about lol.
So let me ask you.....why is Ghana underdeveloped outside of Accra? I'll clue you in that ethnocentrism plays a part.
Native Americans were NOT all wiped out.
You posted something from the 1700s proving my point
The Balkan states are now stabilized
AKA not analogous![]()
It's c00n and conscious on all lands occupied by us, that is what happens when you are subjected to an oppressive system that dominates us economically politically and socially and eradicate our ability to maximize our earning potential and own our talents and be equal competitors in the open market. We in america really can't speak entitled and speak down on any other people anywhere not when we in america c00ning like we are.