Isn't the author of that article the fleeing president ?![]()

Isn't the author of that article the fleeing president ?![]()
I’m not tryna play that game, but people say Trump stole money while forgetting those no bid contracts The Bush admin granted.
Also remember that Afghanistan and Iraq had little to or nothing to do with or global terrorism). (Meanwhile Pakistan and Saudi Arabia are allies)
They shot 5 civilians allegedlykilling the wrong fukking people.
They shot 5 civilians allegedly
Bosnia? How was Bosnia an L for the US?
The US and NATO successfully intervened in the Bosnian War and ended it with the Dayton Agreement.
How's this an L?
The USA could retake Afghanistan in 2 months if they wanted to. Just like the first time.
how is this cope?Signling a peace treaty is an L for a superpower.
Pure cope. That's like if someone knocks you out and u say u could win if u didn't have to go to the ER.