Aew fans are the worst...never seen so much juelzing for a company
And its ran by white boys
If TBS is so great why didn't they go there first... just sayin'.
If TBS is so great why didn't they go there first... just sayin'.
Eric [B said:Bischoff]
“I think the whole move is a giant bonus,” Bischoff said. “I think it’s a brilliant move[/B]. Let’s look at it, and I don’t know how much money is involved, it doesn’t matter. Here’s what happened; AEW is moving from TNT on a Wednesday night at 8 p.m. over to TBS on a Wednesday night at 8 p.m. The audience is going to find them, there’s not going to be a loss of audience. It’s not going to change a thing so there’s no net loss. There’s no net gain, I don’t think there will be a net gain, but I could be wrong. But let’s just say it’s a neutral move, it’s a lateral move. Didn’t hurt, didn’t help, it just is.”
Eric Bischoff said:“But they got a show on Friday night following Smackdown. Guess what I’m doing if I’m Turner? Tony, are you listening? I’m buying local advertising inside of Smackdown in all of the markets in this country that I want to promote my shows in, live events or otherwise. And while people are watching Smackdown, I’m going to be telling them ‘hey, when Smackdown’s over, guess what we’re doing over here?’ And you’re going to drag some of that audience with you. That’s not a positive, that’s a giant positive, a giant net gain.
“So they risk nothing, they get an extra hour of television which is going to be additional revenue, how much we don’t know (doesn’t matter, it’s going to work). And they’re going to be able to draft off of Smackdown. How does that suck?”
With all due respect beloved..... Yes you have.
And that company has been the WWE for the last 90 years and specifically the worst at its highest heights of juelzing the last 25
Also last I checked the McMahons are are white right?
Do me a favor...say all the negative stuff about aew...bcuz u try and flip everything they when the sparklers went off at the end of the mox n omega match...or when jericho fell on a bed
Ill wait...
Y'all must don't remember when WCW was on TBS
An then it all got canceled
Man I miss WCW.
It’s sad how NXT/WWE uses their iconic PPV names for their crappy tv specials. They diminish every WCW legend unless they were huge in WWE. I wish it was a way some billionaire would buy the rights from Vince and bring it back to life. A nikka can dream though.