Ok…. I need to do something real quick before I answer the rest. Cuz that’s one of the biggest problems of both TSC/Coli and social media in general. How perceptions can get created from misinformation or lies get twisted until they become truths in some peoples eyes and labels get made or whatever.
. I now only watch what I watch and haven’t watched the shows you saying I watched. I need to get that clarified cuz I don’t want “random poster *something213*” later repeating something false.
I also don’t even frequent those threads like that cuz why be like the bitter people that go into show threads to ruin someone else’s experience or constantly complain about something I’m not necessarily a fan of?
I may comment on something that comes across my path but I’m not gonna go way out my way for BS no more like many people continue to do
So hopefully that clears that up and we can kill that.
Secondly….. I didn’t say Chuck and Becky was more suitable. Focus?

Again let’s try again to not spin what I said. Or allow me to explain it better if it’s not articulated well enough
I’m saying yes maybe Bianca and Sasha probably were the other better choices. But the reality more than likely was gonna be the choices THEY would’ve chosen, Charlotte and Becky (and for the obvious reason).
This is and has never had nothing to do with my opinion or what I thought was suitable or not.
There is more to unpack with your post but I hope I clarified 2 major points.
I was literally with some black wrestlers Saturday night and I find it funny they don’t have half the gripes TSC has