Watching Penta vs Trent & their outside the ring & the crowd just pops out of nowhere with no explanation, then a few minutes later you find out it's because their playing replays but you can't see them you just get the audio
Don't know why Penta is getting beat. Even more strange that he hit a package piledriver on the apron & did the arm breaker just to get beat right after.
Got a Shanna video that they should have played the first time they used her on TV. Don't know why they don't do these for people before they put them out there the first time. It was maybe 2 minutes to give you some kind of background & reason to care about her, which would have been a great thing to do before that match she had with Shida a few weeks back.
Kong finally debuts & it's on Dark despite her being probably the most recognizable woman they have on their roster. She's been done since she fukked up her back years ago but you would think they would have her doing squashes on TV while they build someone up for her or can get Aja Kong back over since they set that up at Fight for the Fallen.
Omega vs Evans was cool. Omega (who is one of their top guys) taking damn near 20 minutes to beat Evans (who is a tag guy that has 2 wins, that both came in an 8 man tags) is a wild booking move though