The real issue is having kids and having some other man raise em. If you not committed to a broad, why you planting your seed? You think a chick's just not gonna date cause she your baby mother and she content with that? A lot of the time the dudes dating these broads with kids resent them anyway so you get situations like this.
Not date for 18 years....maybe 13....By that time, my son will know some form of martial arts and how to properly handle a firearm.
Honestly, beyond 8 years old, I think a boy should go live with his father
It's just a ugly reality that most women can't face.You go all 3 trimesters,and push that child into the world, you have to become totally selfless.You're going to have to sacrifice for the betterment of that child.If you wanted to be on the total safe side, not dating until your child is 12-13 is a completely sane/wise option.Maybe not according to your needs/happiness......but fukk your needs/happiness.Nobody's entitled to "happiness".That's how you get involved with psychopaths/sociopaths anyway.They figure you out and play you on that shyt.
If you really take being a parent seriously(especially a single parent female), it's not really an extreme option if you think about it.
And when it comes to daughters, if you know the father's a honorable man, I would send her to go stay with her pops at around the age of 12-13, also.
He'll be like a scarecrow for fake p*ssy ass dudes and she'll have the advantage of learning how to interact with men of good character.Men like her pops.On a spiritual level, that would actually bring out all of of her feminine qualities better than any woman could.It goes beyond teaching her about manicures, pedicures, hairstyles, and feminine hygiene products.That's typical shyt passed down from female to female.That's just tangible shyt
But y'all don't wanna hear that, though
I know someones going to come in here and say "well should the father not date?"
Yeah...he's not a woman