Regardless of who son it is, a two year old is in critical becuz some a$$hole can't control his emotions.
How many decent men out there would actually want to date and rear a child that isn't there's?
These broads don't learn how you just started dating and already living with a dude and alreadly allowing him to be alone with your child .
:::: UPDATE AND BACKSTORY :::: Adrian Peterson's Sioux Falls child was "a secret," source says
:::: UPDATE :::: A source in South Dakota says the victim was Adrian Peterson's son, but not Adrian Peterson Jr. From an email she sent us:Just a heads up, TMZ is reporting incorrect information, it's not AP Jr who is in the hospital in Sioux Falls, it's [name withheld].
I live here in Sioux Falls and have been kept up to date via friends of [the child's] mom....The woman went on to provide a link to the CaringBridge page of the injured child. Other local media members have told us they're also hearing the child involved isn't AP's Jr. For more about AP's "secret" Sioux Falls child, read our follow-up post.
it's AP's fault brehs
:::: UPDATE AND BACKSTORY :::: Adrian Peterson's Sioux Falls child was "a secret," source says
:::: UPDATE :::: A source in South Dakota says the victim was Adrian Peterson's son, but not Adrian Peterson Jr. From an email she sent us:Just a heads up, TMZ is reporting incorrect information, it's not AP Jr who is in the hospital in Sioux Falls, it's [name withheld].
I live here in Sioux Falls and have been kept up to date via friends of [the child's] mom....The woman went on to provide a link to the CaringBridge page of the injured child. Other local media members have told us they're also hearing the child involved isn't AP's Jr. For more about AP's "secret" Sioux Falls child, read our follow-up post.
Apparently this is AP's kid, but not the one everyone knows of. Different one
I have custody of my daughter and my girlfriend has her son. This is something we're working on now. But the kids seem to get along. My daughter likes my gf and her son likes me so we don't really have problems.
But your a single dad different situation.
How long was it before you introduced your daughter to her and her son to you?
If that is true then that fukkboy has met his match I hope the lil' fella pulls through. I mean wtf why do that to a little baby?
But for Christ's sake, when will some of these women learn that the welfare of your child is more important than some penis? How many times are we gonna hear stories like this?
That's what I'm trying to figure out. Of all the places in the U.S. you can be, you choose South Dakota? Plus the child's mother probably left the young boy alone with the man. Something that a female should never do.