*Activates Reality Gem*If You Play With The Lakers Or Heat In 2k13....

Dirty Mcdrawz

Your girl loves em....
May 3, 2012
Eh Pouring my heart out is a bit much I created this thread for one purpose only.I feel that winning with the Lakers in 2k13 is not anything to beat your chest about.I think that playing with the best team in any sports game does not require any skill.I wanted to get the opinions of my fellow brehs on the matter and it looks like I am completely wrong.

I am a man that can admit when he is wrong and from this thread I was TOTALLY WRONG,no ifs ands or buts about it.Now I have to figure out whether am I going to counter pick or just have to hit the dojo and practice maybe work on some zone plays:sadcam:



All Star
May 1, 2012
I never play with the Heat though, fukk that. Lakers can be fun simply because I love to play with Gasol and Howard. But I get your point, and to tell the truth, I most often just switch teams around all the time :yeshrug:

A team I miss to play with is the 04-05 version of Detroit Pistons :ahh: Having Billups, Rip, Prince, Sheed and Big Ben on the court at the same time was :ahh:


If Your Knee Dont Bend It Can Be Broken
May 2, 2012
The Wall
a lot of retards and people who don't even play the game. this isn't even comparable to fighting games dweebs, you hold your fate there. in 2k computer can just make you miss even if you did everything perfectly.

2k is broken too. rebounding and defense are horrible.

Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using Tapatalk 2

I hear ya breh I understand what you mean and im glad you understand where I am coming from but at the end of the day the game is what it is and essentially what it boils down to=If you cant beat em join em:noah:

Wow a lot of suckas in the coli. The minute you pick Thunder,Heat,Lakers,Boston you get's 0 respect from me.

Boston breh?:usure:

I look at Boston as the east coast Spurs good players but no one great and they dont really have anyone you can cheese with(Driving to the paint and getting and 1's all game etc)

The level of respect I have for you after this post is enormous. You're displaying a rare trait that's becoming even more instinct in this era of bytchassness. It takes a real man to acknowledge when he's wrong about something. I believe your humility and willingness to not only seek knowledge but to expand your mental horizons in result of that knowledge will lead you places in life as long as you apply it to all aspects and not just video games.

Impressed. Best wishes in busting your friend's ass. There'll be times where you'll naturally want to complain, but just think about this thread and look at the big picture when that feeling comes.


Thanks Breh:lawd:

I always been a person that can admit when he is wrong real life or online.:win:

Im going to show my friend this thread im never going to hear the end of it but basically by majority you guys confirmed what he said:sadcam:


Apr 30, 2012
Boston maybe a bit nitpicky but the fact remains if your bytch ass has no ties to Miami and u picking the heat and your winning show some humility cause what your doin ain't shyt. Clappin off, doing dances, and beatin ur chest cause your winning with the highest rated team in a game where defense is an after thought is disgusting and frankly a sign of the times we live in.


American Weirdo
May 23, 2012
Boston maybe a bit nitpicky but the fact remains if your bytch ass has no ties to Miami and u picking the heat and your winning show some humility cause what your doin ain't shyt. Clappin off, doing dances, and beatin ur chest cause your winning with the highest rated team in a game where defense is an after thought is disgusting and frankly a sign of the times we live in.


a lot of retards and people who don't even play the game. this isn't even comparable to fighting games dweebs, you hold your fate there. in 2k computer can just make you miss even if you did everything perfectly.


It's very comparable to fighting games. You're bytching about the Heat/Lakers when all you gotta do is either get better or use the Heat/Lakers.....or both. There's whiners in the fighting game community who want to play the game but only with their own personal honor code intact just like you bytch ass madden/2k nikkas. The softness is annoying. How you gonna try and tell someone else they can't use the best stuff the game has to offer when it's readily available for you to use as well?

Play to win in competitive games or go pick up Final Fantasy XIII-2, Batman Arkahm Asylum, or some other solo experience.

Long Live The Kane

Tyrant Titan
Apr 30, 2012
If you've been playing playing 2K with your boy since the dreamcast days...and he's been a long time laker fan...then no, you have no case IMO...chalk that shyt up and get better...what is he supposed to just give up playing with his favorite team because they got better this year to spare your feelings? The Spurs ain't exactly bums...I gotta a similar case with my homeboy...we've been playing 2k against each other every year for like a decade...has to be thousands of games played in that time...and I've picked the lakers all but like 10 of them tops...he's picked the Cavs/Heat since Bron's been in the league...in 2K, to me it's style of play more than the team that determines cheesing or not...most squad's have random players on it that can be abused


Jun 13, 2012
Northern California
wow....first of all i love the 2k franchise as far as basketball goes....greatest franchise in video game history for bball.....

now....im a gamer and I dont give a what who you pick....i will smash the heat with the sacramento kings if i want to.....point blank period.....

nothing against the threadstarter because this is a good topic but u got to man up if u want to play...me and my people dont discuss things like this....sure if i pick the heat the guy im against may pick the lakers....but he may pick the thunder and i may pick the cavaliers....see what i mean??

u cant make excuses as to why you lose and how it doesnt count....straight up u lost....step it up. dont complain about things u cannot change and dont play the game if u cant handle someone beating you with their favorite team because it's not "fair" or "real" to you....


Jun 13, 2012
Northern California
Wow a lot of suckas in the coli. The minute you pick Thunder,Heat,Lakers,Boston you get's 0 respect from me.

why because you weak breh?? u cant beat those teams?? why are they in the game? because they exist in reality.....i cant stand this attitude lol ur a sucka if u pick a good team??? people dont need to play by the "lets match up our teams by rank" stuff, thats for children. and i dont need to pick the bucks so u can feel like the game is "fair" lol yall kill me

excuses excuses, pick up sticks.


If Your Knee Dont Bend It Can Be Broken
May 2, 2012
The Wall
If you've been playing playing 2K with your boy since the dreamcast days...and he's been a long time laker fan...then no, you have no case IMO...chalk that shyt up and get better...what is he supposed to just give up playing with his favorite team because they got better this year to spare your feelings? The Spurs ain't exactly bums...I gotta a similar case with my homeboy...we've been playing 2k against each other every year for like a decade...has to be thousands of games played in that time...and I've picked the lakers all but like 10 of them tops...he's picked the Cavs/Heat since Bron's been in the league...in 2K, to me it's style of play more than the team that determines cheesing or not...most squad's have random players on it that can be abused

You are right most squads have a player that can be abused but there is a BIG difference in how Rondo can be used vs Kobe and should be respected I get that thats basketball but i think you guys are missing my point....

wow....first of all i love the 2k franchise as far as basketball goes....greatest franchise in video game history for bball.....

now....im a gamer and I dont give a what who you pick....i will smash the heat with the sacramento kings if i want to.....point blank period.....

nothing against the threadstarter because this is a good topic but u got to man up if u want to play...me and my people dont discuss things like this....sure if i pick the heat the guy im against may pick the lakers....but he may pick the thunder and i may pick the cavaliers....see what i mean??

u cant make excuses as to why you lose and how it doesnt count....straight up u lost....step it up. dont complain about things u cannot change and dont play the game if u cant handle someone beating you with their favorite team because it's not "fair" or "real" to you....

I have no problem with who he picked like I said we been playing each other for a long fukking time he rode with the lakers through all the ups and downs thats not my point all Im saying is:
Donkey= 'Listen you won thats great and everything but dont think you are nice,it takes no skill to do what you do with the Lakers.You playing with a goddamn all star team against me and you beating your chest like you nice.You aint shyt breh real talk"

Him="What you talking bout it dont take no skill I dont give a fukk you cant do nothing about Kobe he is unstoppable I drop 40 on your head like its nothing you cant see the Mamba"

Donkey="Like I said its cool you won,do you but dont sit here and yap like you nice it dont take NO fukkING SKILL to play with these dudes just like it dont take no skill to play with the Heat or Thunder.You dont get props for winning with the best team in the game.Be happy you won and just shut the fukk up"

So brehs help me out am I right that it takes no skill to win with the Lakers/Heat or superbowl winner in Madden or championship team in FIfa etc etc?

Im just very curious to see what yall think about this.:ld:

Thats all I know I cant control who other people play with I would never want to pick another persons team/character I guess a better way to put it would be dont think you are nice when you win with the best player/team in the game.You dont get to do that when you play with the best team:whoa:


Retired Legend
Apr 30, 2012
So im not suppose to pick the thunder cause they "good" now :sitdown:


Jun 13, 2012
Northern California
You are right most squads have a player that can be abused but there is a BIG difference in how Rondo can be used vs Kobe and should be respected I get that thats basketball but i think you guys are missing my point....

I have no problem with who he picked like I said we been playing each other for a long fukking time he rode with the lakers through all the ups and downs thats not my point all Im saying is:

Thats all I know I cant control who other people play with I would never want to pick another persons team/character I guess a better way to put it would be dont think you are nice when you win with the best player/team in the game.You dont get to do that when you play with the best team:whoa:

ok so to counter your point i would say if i beat you with any team im going to talk stuff if i feel the urge....i can say whatever i want because u just lost....if i score 50 with lebron thats what it is....what do you mean you dont get to celebrate or think u r nice because u won with a good team???

in all seriousness that sounds like YOUR excuse as to why you lost. but to me if ur good at the game u should be able to beat any team. I can style on u with the heat and style on u worse with the kings hypothetically....feel me??